Comptes rendus d’articles 7th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (Ottawa)
- Third International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering-discussion
Schriever, WR, NW McLeod, ND Lea, and GC McRostie
- Suggested standards for the identification and description of soils for engineering purposes--discussion
Legget, RF
- Notes on soil conditions and related engineering problems in British Columbia
Ripley, CF
- Research underway in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta
Hardy, RM
- Stability of dams on highly plastic clays
Peterson, R
- Freezing index data influencing frost action
Wilkins, EB, WC Dujay
- Field investigation of the earth flow at Rimouski, Quebec
Meyerhof, GG
- Report from the Soil Mechanics Section, Division of Building Research
Crawford, CB, KN Burn, M Bozozuk, E Penner, WJ Eden
- Notes on visit to the Royal Swedish Geotechnical Institute
Lea, ND