
More comprehensive characterization of landslides in permafrost

R. Couture, D.M. Cruden

In the proceedings of: GEO2010 Calgary: 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 6th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: M2-C

ABSTRACT: The Working Classification nomenclature established by the Working Party for World Landslide Inventory during the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNRD) has become the basis for an emerging consensus on landslide classification. It lacks, hower, specific identifiers of permafrost that encompass all landslide types in both frozen and unfrozen terrain. We thus propose the addition of 'frozen' to the descriptors of water content of materials.

RÉSUMÉ: La terminologie établie par le Working Party for World Landslide Inventory durant la Décennie internationale pour la réduction des désastres naturels (DIRDN) est devenue le fondement d'un concensus émergeant sur la classification des glissements de terrain, la ‚Working Classification'. Toutefois, cette dernière manque d'identificateurs spécifiques au pergélisol qui tiendraient compte de tous les types de glissements de terrain en conditions gelées et non-gelées. Nous proposons l'ajout du terme ‚gelé (frozen in English) aux descripteurs de la teneur en eau des materiaux. 1 INTRODUCTION

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Cite this article:
R. Couture; D.M. Cruden (2010) More comprehensive characterization of landslides in permafrost in GEO2010. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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