Proceedings of 63rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 6th Canadian Permafrost Conference (GEO2010 Calgary)
- Geohazard Reviews of Highway Corridors Through Mountainous and Foothills Terrain, Southwestern Alberta
Andrew Bidwell, Dave Cruden, Roger Skirrow - An integrated mass movement monitoring system for rockslide hazard assessment at Gascons, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec: An Overview
J. Locat, C. Cloutier, P.-E. Lord, P. Therrien, C. Jacob, A. Nadeau, D. Hébert, R. Couture, F. Charbonneau, V. Singhroy, K. Murnaghan, L. Danisch, M. Jaboyedoff, A. Pedrazzini, S. Gravel - The Flexible Use of Ground Support for the Inner Northern Busway Project, Brisbane
Tim Cartledge, Chris Bridges, Trevor Smith, Garth Powell - Case Study-Railway Embankment Widening for CN Rail & GO Transit
Glenn Caverson, Doug Lowry - Analyse des déplacements du glissement de Gascons, Gaspésie, par couplage d'observations aéroportées et terrestres
P.-E. Lord, J. Locat, C. Cloutier, R. Couture, F. Charbonneau, V. Singhroy, A. Pedrazzini - Recent experience with tunnels in weak rock in Calgary
H. Heinz, S. Cullum-Kenyon, D. Gorling, A. Crockford - Backcalculation and sensitivity of NDT to temperature variations in flexible pavements
Dieter Stolle, Anastasia Nezhentseva, Gabriel Sedran - Monotonic triaxial response of early age cemented paste backfill
Abdolreza Moghaddam, Murray Grabinsky - Development of transparent clay for laboratory model tests
N. Mohidin, Marolo C. Alfaro, M.I.M. Masirin - Characterisation of Champlain saline clay from Lachenaie using the Swedish fall cone
Dominique Claveau-Mallet, François Duhaime, Robert P. Chapuis - Freezing Induced Bulk Volume Changes in Compacted Clay Soils
Daryl F. Dagesse - Shear strength of the interface between soil and cement grout under different suctions and net normal Stresses
Jian-Hua Yin, Md. Akhtar Hossain - Field Measurements of the Behaviour of Lightly-loaded Piles in Swelling Clay
B. S.H. Hazzan, R.W. Sarsby - Pile cap effects on lateral response of pile groups and piled rafts
H. Chow, J.C. Small, H.G. Poulos - Case study of a recovery shaft
L.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker, I.P. Lieszkowszky, S. Skelhorn - Integrated Ground Improvement Solution for Windmill Foundation Support in soft soils.
Samuel Briet, Cyril Plomteux - Full-scale experimental investigations and numerical analysis of different innovative instrumented helical screw piles under axial and lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar - An investigation into the effect of burial depth ratio, pipe size, and soil type, in soil-pipeline interaction in sand
K. Badv, K.E. Daryani - Experimental Research on Impact of Freeze-thaw Cycle on Geotechnical Properties of Compacted Loess
G.Y. Li, W. Ma, H.J. Jin, Y. Sheng, F.J. Niu, Y.H. Mu, Y.C. Mao - Tensile Strength of Frozen Soils Using Four-Point Bending Test
Tezera F. Azmatch, David C. Sego, Lukas U. Arenson, Kevin W. Biggar - Thermal differences between right and left portions of air-convection crushed-rock embankment in permafrost regions
Yanhu Mu, Wei Ma, Guoyu Li, Yongzhi Liu, Yuncheng Mao - A New GIS based Mountain Permafrost Distribution Model
Lukas U. Arenson, Matthias Jakob - Undrained shear strength of methane hydrate-bearing sand; preliminary laboratory results
Jocelyn L.H. Grozic, Hossein Ghiassian - The dependence of strength and modulus of frozen saline sand on temperature, strain rate and salinity
A.D. Nguyen, C.D. Sego, U.L. Arenson, W.K. Biggar - Effects of Ground Conditions and Mine Waste Deposition on Permafrost
Paul M. Bedell, Deborah Flemming - Wind and barometric pressure effects on the heat transfer fluctuations within Northern waste rock piles
Nam Pham, David C. Sego, Lukas U. Arenson, Richard Amos, David Blowes, Leslie Smith - Applications of Numerical Thermal Analysis in Engineering Designs and Evaluations for Northern Mines
Guangwen (Gordon) Zhang, William (Bill) T. Horne - Design and performance of a frozen core dam in Cape Dorset, Nunavut
Paul C. Cavanagh, Alexandre Tchekhovski - Geosynthetics as eco-friendly defence against erosion in arctic regions
Olivier Artières, John Lostumbo, Arnstein Watn, Gøril Glåmen Bæverfjord, Philippe Delmas, François Caquel, Lars Grande, Arne Langeland - Oil Sands Tailings: Reclamation goals & the state of technology
Alexander Hyndman, John Sobkowicz - Segregation Related to Centrifuge Modelling of Oil Sands Tailings
Amarebh R. Sorta, David C. Sego - Environmental Assistance for Tailings Disposal
J.E.S. Boswell, J.C. Sobkowicz - Methods to Reduce Production of Oil Sands Mature Fine Tailings
B. Ozum, J.D. Scott - Development of Accelerated Dewatering Technology for Managing Oil Sands Fine Fluid Tailings
Rick Lahaie, Jack T.C. Seto, Denise Chapman, W. David Carrier III - Modelling coupled sedimentation and consolidation of fine slurries
Srboljub Masala - A review of excavation damage zones in sedimentary rocks with emphasis on numerical modelling for EDZ definition
Matthew A. Perras, Mark S. Diederichs, Tom Lam - The Enhanced Sealing Project: Instrumentation and Monitoring of a Full-Scale Shaft Seal
B.E. Holowick - Two and three dimensional numerical analyses of excavation damaged zones around deep geological repositories in sedimentary rocks
H. Abdi, E. Evgin, M. Fall, T.S. Nguyen, G. Su - Effect of clumping and clustering on more realistic behaviour of Bonded-Particle Model
Ehsan Ghazvinian, Mark S. Diederichs - Application of Cosserat Continuum Model for Analysis of Excavations in Layered Rock Masses
H. Bidhendi, A. Riahi, J. Curran - A new fractal index Rd for rock roughness
C. Yi, H.G. Zhu, L. Zhang, H.P. Xie - Recent Experience with Landslide Assessments, Cariboo Region, Interior of British Columbia.
Robert G. Wilson - Advances in probabilistic slope stability analysis using the finite element method
Jim Hazzard, Reginald Hammah, John Curran - Cas d?un glissement dans les argiles sensibles provoqué à la suite d?un sautage à La Romaine, Basse-Côte Nord, Québec, Canada.
Pascal Locat, Marie-Christine Delisle, Denis Demers, Denis Robitaille, Gilles Grondin - More comprehensive characterization of landslides in permafrost
R. Couture, D.M. Cruden - Pullout resistance of a soil nail in a completely decomposed granite soil under different overburden stresses and grouting pressures
Jian-Hua Yin, Wan-Huan Zhou, Cheng-Yu Hong - The influence of freeze-thaw cycles on loess cutting slope in seasonal frozen regions
Y.C. Mao, D.W. Zhang, H.J. Wu, W. Ma, G.Y. Li, Y.H. Mu - Establishment of Community-based Permafrost Monitoring Sites, Baffin Region, Nunavut
Mark Ednie, Sharon L. Smith - Introducing the Government of Yukon Infrastructure Vulnerability to Permafrost Degradation Project
Sarah Laxton - The Thermal State of Permafrost in Canada - Results from the International Polar Year
Sharon L. Smith, Antoni G. Lewkowicz, Christopher R. Burn, Michel Allard, Jennifer Throop - The History and Future of the Permafrost Tunnel near Fox, Alaska
Margaret Cysewski, Kevin Bjella, Matthew Sturm - The Thermal State of Permafrost: the IPY-IPA snapshot (2007-2009)
Jerry Brown, Alexander Kholodov, Vladimir Romanovsky, Kenji Yoshikawa, Sharon L. Smith, Hanne H. Christiansen, Goncalo Vieira, Jeannette Noetzli - Evaluating the major controls on permafrost distribution in Ivvavik National Park based on process-based modelling
Xiping Wang, Yu Zhang, Robert Fraser, Wenjun Chen - Detection and characterization of massive ground ice using Ground Penetrating Radar and seismic shothole records
Daniel E. Odell, I. Rod Smith, Brian J. Moorman - Using remote sensing-based spatial modelling to assess the changes of permafrost in Wapusk National Park
Yu Zhang, Junhua Li, Xiping Wang, Wenjun Chen, Wendy Sladen, Larry Dyke, Lynda Dredge, Jean Poitevin, Donald McLennan, Heather Stewart, Sheldon Kowalchuk, Wanli Wu, G. Peter Kershaw, Ryan K. Brook - The Use of Ground-Based Photogrammetry and SAR Interferometry to Characterize the Surface Motion of an Arctic Glacier
K. Whitehead, B. Moorman, P. Wainstein - Engineering geophysical investigation of permafrost conditions underneath airfield embankments in Northern Quebec (Canada)
Richard Fortier, Catherine Savard - InSAR monitoring of a retrogressive thaw flow at Thunder River, lower Mackenzie
V. Singhroy, K. Murnaghan, R. Couture - Caractérisation des instabilités côtières dans le secteur de Port-Daniel-Gascons, Gaspésie, Québec
Catherine Cloutier, Jacques Locat, Pierre-Étienne Lord, Réjean Couture - Design and construction of a high energy rockfall embankment on the Trans-Canada Highway
Michael J. Simons, Steve Pollak, Barth Peirone - Integration of SAA technology for coastal rock slope movement monitoring at Gascons, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, Canada
Lee Danisch, Terry Patterson, Catherine Cloutier, Pierre-Etienne Lord, Jacques Locat, Jason Bond - Risk assessment of a road cut above Highway #1 near Chase, B.C.
Seyedeh Elham Shamekhi, Dwayne D. Tannant - PTA-InSAR rock slope monitoring at the Gascons site, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec
R. Couture, F. Charbonneau, K. Murnaghan, V. Singhroy, P.-E. Lord, J. Locat - Study of diffuse instability and controllability in constant shear tests
Mauricio Pinheiro, Richard G. Wan - Introduction of inherent anisotropy into a critical-state constitutive model for sands
Reza Imam, Rouzbeh Rasouli - Comparison between the measured and the estimated 1-D heave of expansive soils for seven case studies results using a simple technique
S.K. Vanapalli, L. Lu, W.T. Oh - Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering.
John Atkinson - Evaluation of the stress-strain uniformities in the direct simple shear device using 3D discrete element modeling
Antone Dabeet, Dharma Wijewickreme, Peter Byrne - Evaluation of tip resistance variation with standard penetration index in Trinidad
Morteza Esfehani, Emmanuelle Arié, François Labarre, Sylvain Roy - Groundwater Flow Systems and Slope Stability: A Historical Perspective
Richard Jackson - Experiments on the failure of slopes made of loose sand due to the rise in water level
Reza Imam, Vahid Masumi Fard - Numerical groundwater modelling of oil sands tailings facilities in support of seepage management design
Stephen Buck - Investigation on parameters used in warning systems for rain-induced embankment instability
Chaminda Gallage, Taro Uchimura - Identification of Rainfall-Induced Slope Failures: A Case Study in Hualien
Nai-Chin Chen, Shih-Meng Hsu, Sen-Yen Hsu, S.Y. Chi - Assessing permafrost conditions in support of climate change adaptation in Pangnirtung, Nunavut
Anne-Marie LeBlanc, Greg Oldenborger, Wendy Sladen, David Mate, Andrée-Sylvie Carbonneau, Pascale Gosselin, Emmanuel L?Hérault, Michel Allard - Trends in tree biomass along topgraphically- and climatically-induced permafrost gradients in the Mackenzie Valley, NWT
Ruth Errington, Jagtar Bhatti, Thierry Varem-Sanders - Hydrology of discontinuous permafrost: Effects of permafrost plateau geometry on subsurface drainage
B. Christensen, M. Hayashi, W.L. Quinton - Observed recent changes in climate and permafrost temperatures at four sites in northern Canada
Jennifer Throop, Sharon L. Smith, Antoni G. Lewkowicz - Experimental Research of Joint Influence of Salinization and Petroleum Pollution on Thermal Capacity of Frozen Ground
R.G. Motenko, E.S. Grechishcheva - Can molar gas ratios positively identify the nature and origin of massive ground ice of Herschel Island, Yukon?
Dave Fox - An Investigation of the 3 Km Motion Anomaly on Fountain Glacier Using SAR Interferometry and Ground Penetrating Radar
K. Whitehead, B. Moorman, P. Wainstein - Monitoring and Assessing Geohazards in Permafrost Terrain using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).
Pierre-Jean Alasset, Joseph Chamberland, Jerry English, Des Power, Nikolay Volkov - The use of remote sensing technology to delineate hydrocarbon contamination in the Arctic
M.K. Blade, H.D. Ziervogel - integrated geophysical approach for the detection and assessment of ground ice at Parsons Lake, Northwest Territories
Michael Angelopoulos, Wayne H. Pollard, Nicole Couture - Progress on X-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning in permfrost studies
F. Calmels, W.R. Clavano, D.G. Froese - Modelling of desiccation and stack geometry in aid of high density tailings deposition
P. Simms, A. Dunmola, S. Mizani, B. Fisseha, J. Henriquez - Laboratory studies of the rapid densification of oil sands mature fine tailings by microbial activity
Chengmai Guo, Rick J. Chalaturnyk, J. Don Scott - Blast densification trials for oilsands tailings
Andrew Port, Scott Martens, Tyler Lappin, Tim Eaton - Consistency based correlations for tailings consolidation
Shahid Azam, Arjun Chandra Paul - Horizon Dam Design, Construction and Quality Management
Bob Patrick, Richard Sisson - Design and Construction of a Seepage Cut Off Wall Using The Slurry Trench Technique in Cold Temperatures at the Horizon Dam Project
L.A. Barr, J.C. Sobkowicz - Effects of carbonate content and ageing on the dynamic response of marine clays
John Sully, Ender Parra - The consolidation test: Interpretation and sample disturbance
Arvid Landva, Simon Dickinson - Effect of embedment depth and stress anisotropy on expansion and contraction of cylindrical cavities
Hany El Naggar, M. Hesham El Naggar - Apparatus compliance in oedometer testing at high pressures
J.S. Powell, G. Siemens, W.A. Take - Prediction of seismically induced voids and pore fluid volume/pressure redistribution in geotechnical earthquake engineering
Mahdi Taiebat, Boris Jeremic, Yannis F. Dafalias - Evaluating the Liquefaction Potential of Lower San Fernando Dam Sand in a Centrifuge
Hesham Dief - Adhesion from supplemental bentonite placed at GCL overlaps
Richard W.I. Brachman, Simon Gudina, R. Kerry Rowe, W. Andy Take
- The potential of coal combustion products as soft soil improvement materials
Amer A.A. Awad, Indra S. Harahap - Evapotranspiration Dewatering Effect on CT Deposits by Grasses
Shihong Wu, David Sego, M. Anne Naeth - Inverse modeling of contaminant transport through soil using natural computation
Tadikonda Venkata Bharat, Jitendra Sharma - Immobilization of Arsenic in Mine Tailings using Standard and Nanoscale Metal Oxides
Sevag Derghazarian, Catherine N. Mulligan - Understating the performance of sealing materials under the influence of groundwater salinity
Sumi Siddiqua, Deni Priyanto, James A. Blatz - Sensitivity of sediment bed temperatures to changes in on-ice snow thickness beneath near-shore zones of bottom-fast ice in the Mackenzie Delta
Christopher W. Stevens, Brian J. Moorman, Steve M. Solomon - Ground temperature variation with snow, Kendall Island Bird Sanctuary, outer Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories
P.D. Morse, C.R. Burn, S.V. Kokelj - Seismic shothole drillers? log records: A wealth of new permafrost-related geoscience information, Northwest Territories and northern Yukon, Canada
I. Rod Smith - Sensitivity of active-layer development to winter conditions north of treeline, Mackenzie delta area, western Arctic coast
C.R. Burn, Y. Zhang - Delineation of salt contamination in patterned ground
Julian C.N. Kanigan, Barry Zajdlik, Steven V. Kokelj - Vibro Replacement, Dynamic Compaction & Vibro Compaction Case Histories for Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities
Nelson Beaton, Jeff Scott - Ground improvement case history of shallow foundations on dynamically compacted deep fill
Joseph Yonan, Tony Ruban - Full-Scale Vertical and Horizontal Dynamic Testing of a Double Helix Screw Pile
Mohamed Elkasabgy, M.Hesham El Naggar, Mohammed Sakr - Experimental Investigations on Vibration Isolation Using Open and GeoFoam Wave Barriers: Comparative Study
Ashref Alzawi, M. Hesham El Naggar - Excess Pore Water Pressure Induced in the Foundation of a Tailings Dyke at Muskeg River Mine, Fort McMurray
Arash Eshraghian, Scott Martens - Improvement of soft soils with stone pillars built using dynamic replacement - A case history
Marc Lauzon - Marine geophysics as a risk management tool
Claude Robillard, Robert Perrin - Geotechnical Assessment of Shallow (Surficial) Slope Stability Zoning on the Proposed Paskapoo Slopes Park
Hong (Joanna) Chen, Dennis E. Becker, Delwyn G. Fredlund, Tricia Grieef - The Frank slide (Alberta, Canada): from the contributing factors to the processes of propagation
F. Humair, M. Charrière, A. Pedrazzini, M. Güell i Pons, M. Volpi, L. Foresti, M. Jaboyedoff, J-L. Epard, C. Froese - Landslide movements and their characteristics, Town of Peace River, Alberta
Tai-Hoon Kim, Dave M. Cruden, C. Derek Martin, Corey Froese, A. James Morgan - Physical modeling of gap formation during soil-pipeline interaction
Masoumeh Saiyar, Ian D. Moore, W. Andy Take - Monitoring Turtle Mountain using ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GB-InSAR)
John F. Dehls, Davide Giudici, Francesco Mariotti, Paolo Farina, Derek Martin, Corey Froese - Considering the influence of neighbouring wells when interpreting a pumping test in a confined aquifer
Simon Weber, Robert P. Chapuis - Vertical Interference Slug Tests for the Measurement of Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity
Daniel Paradis, René Lefebvre, Christophe DeLouis, Dave Martin, Jean-Marc Ballard - Numerical modelling of the Guelph permeameter test using the complete unsaturated hydraulic functions of the soil
Hubert Noël, Robert P. Chapuis - Advective heat transport modelling in aquifers
Ron Coutts - Design and Construction of a Soil Bentonite Cut-off wall for Suncor?s South Tailings Pond
Brett Stephens, Mike Bowron - Analysis of confined seepage flow using the scaled boundary finite-element method
Mohammad Hossein Bazyar, Adel Geraili, Chongmin Song - Applications of cryofacies approach to frozen ground engineering - Case study of a road test site along the Alaska Highway (Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada)
Eva Stephani, Daniel Fortier, Yuri Shur - Expérimentations de techniques de mitigation des effets de la fonte du pergélisol sur les infrastructures du Nunavik : aéroport de Tasiujaq
Alban Ficheur, Guy Doré - Some Permafrost-Related Terrain Features and Associated Design Considerations along the Proposed Southern Rail Alignment, Mary River Project, Baffin Island, Nunavut
Vladislav E. Roujanski, Kevin W. Jones, James Haley, Kevin Hawton, Carolyn Fitzpatrick - Auscultation et investigations du pergélisol sous les infrastructures du ministère des Transports du Québec au Nunavik : vers une stratégie d?adaptation
Maude Boucher, Gilles Grondin, Anick Guimond - On Ways To Increase Permafrost Railroad Foundation Reliability
Irakliy G. Matskepladze, Valeriy E. Morozov, Taisiya V. Shepitko, Alexander M. Cherkasov, Grigoriy I. Nak - Results from an Instrumented Highway Embankment on Degraded Permafrost
Hamid Batenipour, David Kurz, Marolo Alfaro, Jim Graham, Ken Kalynuk - Thawing Hazards and Their Developing States along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor
Zhanju Lin, Fujun Niu, Hua Liu, Jiahao Lu - Experimentation of mitigation techniques to reduce the effects of permafrost degradation on transportation infrastructures at Beaver Creek experimental road site (Alaska Highway, Yukon)
Julie M. Lepage, Guy Doré - Impact of groundwater flow on permafrost degradation: implications for transportation infrastructures
I. de Grandpré, D. Fortier, E. Stephani - Some geocryological problems of railways and highways on permafrost of Transbaikal and Tibet
Valentin Kondratiev - Laboratory study on thermal performance of natural air convection in porous media
Jianfeng Chen, Lukas Arenson, David C. Sego - Using Of Synthetical Thermal Insulators For Conversation Of Frozen Soil Conditions In The Base Of Railway Embankment
E.S. Ashpiz, L.N. Khrustalev, L.V. Emelyanova, M.A. Vedernikova - Review of current research on drilling-mud sumps in permafrost terrain, Mackenzie Delta region, NWT, Canada.
Julian C.N. Kanigan, S.V. Kokelj - Controls on near-surface temperatures across tree line in the Mackenzie Delta area, Northwest Territories, 2004-2009
M.J. Palmer, S.V. Kokelj, C.R. Burn - Spatial variation in the thermal regime of Mackenzie Delta lakes and channels
T.P. Ensom, C.R. Burn, S.V. Kokelj - Sub-surface Heterogeneities in the Murtèl - Corvatsch Rock Glacier, Switzerland
Lukas U. Arenson, Christian Hauck, Christin Hilbich, Linda Seward, Yuko Yamamoto, Sarah M. Springman - Characteristics of two Rock Glaciers in the Dry Argentinean Andes Based on Initial Surface Investigations
Lukas U. Arenson, Silvio Pastore, Darío Trombotto Liaudat, Sascha Bolling, Mauricio A. Quiroz, Xavier L. Ochoa - Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk assessments along pipeline corridors in Canada
A. Blais-Stevens, R. Couture, A. Page, J. Koch, J.J. Clague, P.S. Lipovsky - Recent Advances in Debris Flow Modelling
Xiaobo Wang, Dave H. Chan, Norbert R. Morgenstern - Risk management of large rock slopes - state of practice
Renato Macciotta, C. Derek Martin, Norbert R. Morgenstern - Relevance of Collisional Flow Mechanism in Dry Granular Flows
Abraham E. Mineneh, Dave H. Chan - Numerical analyses on the wall deflections of The Bow excavation
Greg Guangfeng Qu, KwanYee Lo, Matthew Janes, Silvana Micic, Thomas Lardner - Reinterpretation of displacements and failure mechanisms of the upper portion of Randa rock slide
Andrea Pedrazzini, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron, Antonio Abellán, Carmen Vega Orozco - The undrained response of silt sands containing gas bubbles
Chamika K. Haththotuwa, Jocelyn L.H. Grozic - Assessment of seismic performace of a Reinforced Earth wall using dynamic analysis
Ali Amini, Bill Brockbank, Ernest Naesgaard - Expermental euqation for selecting a proper hammer to avoid overstress condition during pile driving
Alireza Afshani, Ali Fakher, Massoud Palassi - Predicting the behavior of geogrid while used as reinforcement in a slope fill under footing load
M.D. Ariful Islam, C.T. Gnanendran - Static equilibrium analysis for pipeline protection design in Iran LNG port
Alireza Sadeghi Abdollahi, Rouzbeh Vakili, Hamid Alielahi - Analysis of monolayer covers for the reclamation of acid generating tailings: Column tests and interpretation
Thomas Pabst, Michel Aubertin, Bruno Bussiere, John Molson - Défis rencontrés dans la modélisation hydrogéochimique des dépôts de résidus en pâte en surface
Thomas Deschamps, John W. Molson, Mostafa Benzaazoua, Michel Aubertin, Bruno Bussière - Numerical modelling of contaminated neutral drainage from a waste rock field test plot
Isabelle Demers, John W. Molson, Bruno Bussière - Potential of contaminated neutral drainage generation from waste rock at Raglan
Marie-Pier Éthier, Bruno Bussière, Mostafa Benzaazoua, Ronald V. Nicholson, Philippe Garneau - Rates and controls of acid production in commercial-scale sulphur blocks
T.K. Birkham, M.J. Hendry, S.L. Barbour, T. Cheema - GCLs for use in covers over arsenic-contaminated mine wastes
M.S. Hosney, R.K. Rowe - Permafrost conditions near shorelines of oriented lakes in Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory
P. Roy-Léveillée, C.R. Burn - High-Arctic glacial-periglacial interactions and the development of terrain morphology on Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard
T.D.L. Irvine-Fynn, P.R. Porter, N.E. Barrand, D.I. Benn, M. Temminghoff, S. Lukas - Hydro-physical conditions of an Arctic proglacial valley, Bylot Island
P. Wainstein, B. Moorman, K. Whitehead - Dating recent permafrost disturbance and recovery with tritium and post-bomb radiocarbon isotopes
F. Calmels, D.G. Froese, W.R. Clavano - Geomorphology of thermo-erosion gullies - case study from Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada
Etienne Godin, Daniel Fortier - Methane hydrate formation under controlled pressure in the triaxial apparatus
Hossein Ghiassian, Jocelyn L.H. Grozic - A Simple Technique of Using Continuously Disturbed Line (CDL) as a Tool in the Estimation of Compacted Soils Behaviour
Julio Ángel Infante Sedano, Kenton Power, Sai K. Vanapalli - The geotechnical properties of a Champlain clay deposit with saline pore water in Lachenaie, Quebec
François Duhaime, El Mehdi Benabdallah, Robert P. Chapuis - Use of the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) at Highland Valley Copper Mine
Neil K. Singh, Carlos Mejia, Tracy Martison, Farhat Shah, Chris Fleming, Joseph Fitzpatrick - Experimental study of Leda clay-steel interface shear behaviour
Ahmed Taha, Mamadou Fall - Estimating Soil Properties Using Deformations Associated with Deep Excavations
David Elwood, C. Derek Martin - A State Parameter Modified Drucker-Prager Cap Model
Farzad Eskandari, Ryan Phillips, Bipul Hawlader - PCB migration in a 24 year old PCB Storage Facility
Dan Jones, Rebecca McWatters, Jeff Markle, R. Kerry Rowe - Conductivity mapping to identify vertical and lateral extents of contaminated soils
B. Janet Morrissey - Desiccation and Shrinkage of Low Plasticity Tailings: Testing and Preliminary Modeling
Faustin Saleh-Mbemba, Michel Aubertin, Mamert Mbonimpa - Use of mine tailings as raw material in concrete and mortar mix proportioning
Tikou Belem, Bruno Bussière, Yasser Chtaini, Kumar Chandra Rohit - Behaviour of Expansive Soils at a Water Distribution Pipe Site
Yafei Hu, Rudaba Chowdhury, Shahid Azam - Geotechnical Characterization and Finite Element Pipe/Soil Interaction Modeling of a Pipeline Installed in an Actively Moving, Permafrost Slope
Andrew Bidwell, Millan Sen, Nader Yoosef-Ghodsi, Ingrid Pederson - Analytical solutions for peak and residual uplift resistance of pipelines
J.F. (Derick) Nixon, James M. Oswell - Government-industry collaborative monitoring of a pipeline in permafrost - the Norman Wells Pipeline experience, Canada
Margo M. Burgess, James M. Oswell, Sharon L. Smith - Probabilistic Estimation of Uplift Resistance for Chilled Gas Pipelines
Mark Nixon, Bill Liu, Joe Zhou, Karl Lawrence - Long-term Field Observations of Cyclical and Cumulative Pipe and Ground Movements in Permafrost Terrain, Norman Wells Pipeline, Northwest Territories Canada
Sharon L. Smith, Margo M. Burgess - Cyclic and Post-cyclic Laboratory Test Results on Undisturbed Samples of Filter Pressed Mine Tailings
Rick Friedel, Len Murray - Simulation of Oil Sands In-Line Thickened Tailings Disposition
Silawat Jeeravipoolvarn, J.Don Scott, Rick J. Chalaturnyk - Factors affecting the drained strength of deposited mine tailings beds in the very low stress range
Rozalina S. Dimitrova, Ernest K. Yanful - Centrifuge-Dewatered Mature Fine Tailings: Geotechnical Observations from a Field Test
Rick Lahaie, Jack T.C. Seto - Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings and Implications for Tailings Storage Facility Design
Chris A. Johns - Static and Seismic Stability Analysis of Malaysia?s Largest Sanitary Landfill
Hamed Saiedi, Saied Saiedi, Niraku Rosmawati Binti Ahmad, Ho Kum Hou - Numerical Modelling Issues Associated with the 2D and 3D Analysis of Tunnel Excavation and Support within Weak Rock Masses
N. Vlachopoulos, M.S. Diederichs - Geophysical Surveys for Oil Sands Development
Jane Dawson, Jim Henderson - Impact of cyclic freezing on LNAPL movement in a single fracture
Olumide Iwakun, David Sego, Kevin Biggar - Characterization of Sensitive Sedimentary Deposits using the Dilatometer Test and Seismic Piezocone
P.E. Cargill, I. Weemees, J.T. Sharp, B.A. Miller - Geotechnical Conditions at Sydney Desalination Plant
Delfa Sarabia, Peter Waddell - Computer-assisted 3D terrain analysis using high-resolution imagery and digital elevation data
Troy A.M. Zimmer, Lynden A. Penner - Design of an instrumented monitoring system for the Inner Northern Busway Project, Brisbane
Chris Bridges, Garth Powell, Trevor Smith, Tim Cartledge - A Case History on a Challenging Encapsulated Geomembrane Containment Systems for a Lime Sludge Pond Facility
Brian Fraser, Chang Park - In situ damping measurements in Leda Clay within the Ottawa, ON area
Heather Crow, J.A. Hunter, A. J.-M. Pugin, D. Motazedian - Full-Scale Chilled Pipeline Frost Heave Testing, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
Beez Hazen, Ralph M. Isaacs, John E. Myrick - The Prediction of Heave in Expansive Soils
Mohamed Farid Abbas, Abdulmohsen W. Dhowian - Air-Ducted Hangar Foundations at Thule, Greenland
Kevin Bjella - Generated Thaw Settlement Profiles Using Autocorrelation Function
J.F. Nixon, M. Nixon, J. Greenslade - Unique Thermosyphon Roadway Test Site Spanning 11 years
Anna M. Wagner, John P. Zarling, Edward Yarmak, Jr., Erwin L. Long - Foundation Design in Talik Zone for a New School, Fort Good Hope, NT
Entzu Hsieh, Dmitry Dumsky, Ramesh Koirala - Effect of repeated freeze-thaw action on consolidation property of fine grained soils
Bhuwani Paudel, Baolin Wang - Design, Construction and Initial Performance of Wind Turbine Foundations in Antarctica
James M. Oswell, Murray Mitchell, Gary Chalmers, Hamish Mackinven - Physical modeling of subaqueous high sulphide mine tailings disposal: Impact of hydrodynamic conditions on water cover quality
Akué Sylvette Awoh, Mamert Mbonimpa, Bruno Bussière - Rheological properties of thickened tailings and cemented paste tailings and the effects of mixture characteristics on shear behavior
Drissa Ouattara, Mamert Mbonimpa, Tikou Belem - Field measurement of re-suspension in a tailings pond by acoustic and optical backscatter instruments
Laxmi Kant Kachhwal, Ernest K. Yanful, Colin D. Rennie - Electrokinetic remediation of soft clay soil contaminated with heavy metals
E. Mohamedelhassan, I. Mohamed Ahmed, A. Mahmoud - Physical and numerical modelling of a monolayer cover placed on reactive tailings
Geraldine Cosset, Michel Aubertin - Real-Time Monitoring for Embankment Construction overtop of Regina Clay
Harpreet S. Panesar, Allen J. Kelly, Richard T. Yoshida, Wayne A. Clifton - Electrokinetic treatment: influence of energy consumption on axial load capacity
E. Mohamedelhassan, A. Mahmoud, I. Mohamed Ahmed - Methodology to Demonstrate Pile Capacity in Relaxing Ground - a Case Study
Ashok Peiris, Benjamen Morris, Richard Kelly, Kim Chan - Lateral Resistance of High Capacity Helical Piles - Case Study
Mohammed Sakr - Embankment Design and Construction on Wick Drain Foundation Systems - A Case Study of the Installation Disturbance Effects for Clays on Highway 69/400 in Northern Ontario
J.P. Dittrich, C. Ng, S.E.M. Coyne - Application and Use of Continuous Flight Auger Piles in Western Canada
Jeff Grieder - Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation at Handcar Peak in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia
Gabe Hensold, Doug Stead, John Clague, Danilo Moretti, Matthieu Sturzenegger - The contribution of DInSAR techniques for slow-moving landslide characterization
Leonardo Cascini, Settimio Ferlisi, Dario Peduto, Gianfranco Fornaro - Recent UK experiences in investigation, design, assessment and management of hard rock slopes
D.M. Tonks, I.M. Nettleton, R.M. Denney, G.M. Hurworth - Development and calibration of numerical models for investigating trigger scenarios and mitigation techniques for massive landslide hazard management.
K.S. Kalenchuk, D.J. Hutchinson, M.S. Diederichs - Development of a landslide testing flume for use within a geotechnical centrifuge
Roya Davoodi, Ryan Phillips, W. Andy Take - Development in hilly areas induced slope stability - case history
Kamal Bahrin Jaafar, Amir Hamzah Mustapha, Suhaimi Jamaluddin, Yunus Marjan - Design and construction of dry soil mix ground treatment in soft estuarine clays for a road embankment
Richard Kelly, Kim Chan, Thevaragavan Muttuvel - Effect of weathering cycles on strength and swell potential of fly ash stabilized expansive soil subbases
Sazzad Bin-Shafique, Ireen Azfar, K. Rahman - Evaluation of an engineered material of large damping ratio
Zahid Khan, Giovanni Cascante, Hesham El Naggar, Magdi El Emam - Influence of suction on the pull-out capacity of grouted soil nails
Naresh Gurpersaud, Sai K. Vanapalli, Siva Sivathalayan - Jet grouting for the Highbury Interceptor Siphon access chamber
Paolo Gazzarrini, Andrew Port, Garry Stevenson, Hein Steunenberg, Florence Ho - MSE walls in Trinidad use innovative geosynthetic soil reinforcement
Bill Brockbank, Mark Park - Integrated rockmass characterization and stability modelling for tunnels using LiDAR
Stephanie Fekete, Mark Diederichs - Effects of geometrical conditions and construction procedures on the soil settlement and internal forces of twin-tunnels
Massoud Palassi, Mohammad Jaafari - Characterization of surface primary roughness: application to large scale rock joint morphology
Tikou Belem - Characterization of Bedrock for Geo-Environmental Site Assessment
Branko Marjanovic, John G. Agar, Tai T. Wong - Uni-Axial Compression Strength - Point Load Index Correlations for Sedimentary Rock Units
Hadi Omran Tumi, Albashir Mohammed Assallay, Adel Ewhida