A hybrid method of deep foundation construction in soft soils
Robert Y. Lianga, G.Q. Konga, H.L. Liub
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical EngineeringSession: Deep Foundations
ABSTRACT: A new construction method for deep foundations in soft soils, which is termed as Òcast-in-place tubular (pipe) pileÓ (denoted as CTP or PCC pile) is described in this paper. The vertical and lateral bearing capacity calculation method for CTP/PCC pile using the SHAFT plus 5.0 and LPILE plus 5.0 programs is proposed. Two case studies on CTP/PCC pile bearing capacity under vertical load or lateral load are described. Based on the comparisons between the measured and calculated results, it appears that the suggested calculation methods can be sued for design and analysis. It is also shown that CTP/PCC pile could be a cost-effective pile due to the reduced amount of concrete needed for casting the pile. R…SUM… Este art™culopresenta la descripciŠn de unnuevom”todo de construcciŠnparacimentacionesprofundas en suelosblandosdenominado ÒMoldeado in situ de pilote tubular (CTP o PCC porsussiglas en ingl”s)Ó. El c⁄lculo de la capacidadportante vertical y lateralparapilotes CTP/PCCmediante el usode los programas SHAFT plus 5.0 y LPILE plus 5.0 espropuesto. Dos casos de estudiosobrecapacidadportante de pilotesCTP/PCC bajocarga vertical o lateral son presentados. La comparaciŠn entre los resultadosmedidos y calculadossugiereque los m”todos de c⁄lculopresentadospuedenserusados con propŠsitos dedise-o y an⁄lisis. El estudioigualmentemuestraque el piloteCTP/PCC podr™arepresentarunaalterantivacostoefectivadebido a la reducciŠn en la cantidad de concretonecesariaparasumoldeado.
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Robert Y. Lianga; G.Q. Konga; H.L. Liub
(2011) A hybrid method of deep foundation construction in soft soils in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Robert Y. Lianga; G.Q. Konga; H.L. Liub
title = A hybrid method of deep foundation construction in soft soils,
year = 2011
title = A hybrid method of deep foundation construction in soft soils,
year = 2011