
On the effect of climate change on water balances of tailings reservoirs

Aloysio Portugal Maia Saliba, José Mário Queiroga Mafra, Fernando Luís Fonseca de OliveiraTomé, Márcio Figueiredo de Resende

In the proceedings of: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering

Session: Climate Change & GeoHazards

ABSTRACT: Knowledge on meteorology and hydrology of watersheds and their relationship with global climate has attracted considerable attention of many researchers in recent years. Forecasts available have suggested that the increase in global average temperature can have an effect on precipitation and evaporation regimes. This paper evaluates the effects of climate change on water balance simulations for a reservoir in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, designed for containing tailings and supplying water to an ore processing plant. Comparisons are made between current and impacted scenarios in order to determine differences in water availability.

RÉSUMÉ: Le connaissance des relations de meteorologie et hidrologie des basins hydrographiques avec global climat ont recentement retrouvée considerable attention des researcheurs. Les prévisions disponibles ont dit que la augmentation de la temperature moyenne globale peu affecter les régimes de la pluie et de l´evaporation. Cet article apprécie les effects de la change du climat sur le balencement d´éau d´un reservoir en Minas Gerais, Brazil, qui est dessiné pour contention des rejets et comme source d´éau au process minerale. Des comparaison entre balencements sous le climat actuelle e changée sont effectué, en montrant les différences sur l´éau disponible.

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Aloysio Portugal Maia Saliba; José Mário Queiroga Mafra; Fernando Luís Fonseca de OliveiraTomé; Márcio Figueiredo de Resende (2011) On the effect of climate change on water balances of tailings reservoirs in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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