
Determination of minimum factor of safety using a genetic algorithm and limit equilibrium analysis

Brandon Karchewski, Dieter Stolle, Peijun Guo

In the proceedings of: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering

Session: Landslides

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the continuous parameter genetic algorithm combined with the rigid finite element method to identify minimum factors of safety for slopes. Whereas for homogeneous slopes, similar predictions for global minimum factor of safety and location of critical slip surface, it is shown that predictions differ for layered systems. It is important that layer rigidity is included for layered systems.

RÉSUMÉ: ec la méthode des éléments finis rigides pour identifier les facteurs minimales de sécurité des pentes. Alors que pour les pentes homogènes, la méthode de Bishop et celle des Éléments Finis Rigides conduisent à des prédictions similaires pour le facteur de sécurité globale et de la position de la surface de glissement critique; il est montré que les prédictions sont différentes pour un système hétérogène à plusieurs couches.

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Brandon Karchewski; Dieter Stolle; Peijun Guo (2011) Determination of minimum factor of safety using a genetic algorithm and limit equilibrium analysis in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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