Highly Loaded Structures In MSE Applications In The Alberta Oil Sands - Retrospective
Paul Boos, Peter Wu, Iyad Owies
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical EngineeringSession: Retaining Walls
ABSTRACT: In the last two decades MSE walls have become standard cost effective and reliable structures for meeting the high load support requirements of oil sands applications in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Here we discuss three types of structures including i) Bridge Abutments for heavily loaded bridges carrying mine site haul roads over conveyor systems as well as over the Steepbank River; ii) Very tall and heavily-surcharged crusher/dump walls to support the higher capacity and heavier mine haul trucks with longer design life demands; and iii) a unique circular precast structure application to support above grade settling tanks. Design and construction of such applications are reviewed in this paper. We will follow the changes in requirements and engineering approaches to show a series of innovations made over the years with respect to accommodating the evolving technical challenges.
RÉSUMÉ: Dans les deux dernières décennies, les murs TSM sont devenus les structures standards, fiables et rentables qui satisfont aux exigences des grandes charges de support rencontrées dans les sables bitumineux à Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Dans cet article nous examinons trois types de structures y compris i) culées pour des ponts lourdement chargés supportant les routes de transport des mines aux dessus des courroies transporteuses ainsi qudessus de la rivière Steepbank ii) des murs pour concasseurs très hauts et lourdement chargés avec une longue durée de vie pour supporter les camions lourds de transport de haute capacité et iii) une structure circulaire unique préfabriquée pour supporter les bassins de décantation surélevés. Cet article examine la conception et la construction tation aux défis techniques en évolution.
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Paul Boos; Peter Wu; Iyad Owies
(2011) Highly Loaded Structures In MSE Applications In The Alberta Oil Sands - Retrospective in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Paul Boos; Peter Wu; Iyad Owies
title = Highly Loaded Structures In MSE Applications In The Alberta Oil Sands - Retrospective ,
year = 2011
title = Highly Loaded Structures In MSE Applications In The Alberta Oil Sands - Retrospective ,
year = 2011