Shallow slump stabilization using percusion soil nails at Hamelin creek site on Highway 725:02, Peace Region, AB
Renato Clementino, Robin Tweedie, Harjeet Panesar, Roger Skirrow
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical EngineeringSession: Landslides
ABSTRACT: A precast concrete arch culvert was constructed to pass Hamelin Creek under the 24 m high embankment of Highway 725:02 in Northern Alberta. During construction in 2003, several slides occurred on the marginally stable valley slopes. Extensive mitigation works were constructed to stabilize the site, however deep seated slope creep movements continue on the northwest quadrant of the highway embankment subjecting the culvert structure to distress. Rapid downcutting of the streambed upstream of the culvert following construction has also resulted in shallow slumps along the toe of the northwest slope. There was concern that these slumps could retrogress and further destabilize the large deep seated slide. It was therefore necessary to improve the stability of these shallow slumps along the toe of the slope. The soil nails consisted of 6 m long by 38 mm diameter hollow steel bars that were installed using a percussion and rotary hammer that drove the nails in a 1 m by 1 m pattern. The paper describes the percussion soil nail installation technique and provides details about the installation equipment. The results of soil nail pullout tests and an assessment of the stability improvement is also provided.
RÉSUMÉ: -construction en 2003, plusieurs glissements ont été entamés le long des pentes marginalement stables de la vallée. Plusieurs travaux correctifs ont été entrepris afin de stabiliser le site. Malgré tous ces efforts, des mouvements de fluage profonds persistent dans le secteur nord-ouest du talus routier infligeant des dommages au ponceau. Une érosion rapide du lit de la rivière en amont du ponceau a aussi initié des glissements superficiels le long du pied du talus nord-ouest. Le recul de ces glissements superficiels pourrait déstabiliser davantage le glissement plus profond. Il méthodologie adoptée consistcloutage du sol utilisé comprenait des clous creux ayant une longueur de 6 m, avec un diamètre de 38 mm, installés à percussion rotative. Cet article décrit la technique de lioration de la stabilité sont aussi présentés.
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Renato Clementino; Robin Tweedie; Harjeet Panesar; Roger Skirrow
(2011) Shallow slump stabilization using percusion soil nails at Hamelin creek site on Highway 725:02, Peace Region, AB in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Renato Clementino; Robin Tweedie; Harjeet Panesar; Roger Skirrow
title = Shallow slump stabilization using percusion soil nails at Hamelin creek site on Highway 725:02, Peace Region, AB,
year = 2011
title = Shallow slump stabilization using percusion soil nails at Hamelin creek site on Highway 725:02, Peace Region, AB,
year = 2011