Reinforcement systems subjected to complex loadings
A.G. Thompson
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical EngineeringSession: Mine Waste Disposal
ABSTRACT: A new computer based technique has been recently developed in order to investigate the performance of reinforcement systems subjected to multiple and complex combinations of axial, shear and rotational displacements. The analysis technique allows for large displacements and the nonlinear behaviour of the component materials and the interactions at the interfaces between them. The computer program is described and examples of its use are presented. ABSTRACTO Este articulo presenta un nuevo programa computacional recientemente desarrollado. El programa investiga el comportamiento de sistemas de reforzamiento de roca sujetos a combinaciones multiples y complejas de desplazamiento axial, de corte y rotacional. La tecnica analitica permite deplazamientos significantes con comportamiento no lineal de los materials que forman el sistema de reforzamiento, a la vez permitiendo inetraccion en las interfases de los componentes. El program de computadora es descrito y ejemplos de su uso son presentados en el articulo.
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A.G. Thompson
(2011) Reinforcement systems subjected to complex loadings in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = A.G. Thompson
title = Reinforcement systems subjected to complex loadings,
year = 2011
title = Reinforcement systems subjected to complex loadings,
year = 2011