
Geotechnical behaviour of an instrumented urban tunnel built under difficult soft soil conditions

Jesús Morelos Reyes, Yolanda Alberto Hernández, David Yáñez Santillán

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering

Session: Buried Structures & Subsurface Systems

ABSTRACT: A shallow urban tunnel for public transportation, built in difficult subsoil conditions with EPB tunnel boring machine, was instrumented to monitor its geotechnical behavior during construction. The parameters that define soil response were measured before, during and after the construction process. Herein the instrumentation used for the tunnel is described, as well as the implementation of new measurement systems. Relevant charts are shown. Immediate tunnel deformations were monitored and used to verify the shield tunneling process. Using the gathered data, correlations were developed to assess the confining influence on the surrounding soil and to describe the stress state during TBM advance. Subsidence on nearby buildings was appraised and related to the grouting support effect. Relevant conclusions regarding instrumentation, grouting and soil subsidence are provided.

RESUMEN: Se instrumentó un túnel de transporte público con poca cobertura, construido con máquina tuneladora EPB en suelo blando, para monitorear su comportamiento geotécnico durante la construcción. Se midieron los parámetros que definen la respuesta del suelo, antes, durante y después del proceso constructivo. En este artículo se describe la instrumentación usada para ese fin, así como la implementación de un sistema nuevo de medición. Se muestran las gráficas relevantes. Se midieron las deformaciones inmediatas y se usaron para verificar el proceso de excavación. Con los datos reunidos, se desarrollaron correlaciones para evaluar la influencia del confinamiento en el suelo circundante y para describir el estado de esfuerzos durante el avance de la tuneladora. Se revisaron los asentamientos en edificios cercanos y se relacionaron con el efecto del relleno de soporte. Se incluyen conclusiones relevantes sobre instrumentación y asentamientos.

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Citer cet article:
Jesús Morelos Reyes; Yolanda Alberto Hernández; David Yáñez Santillán (2011) Geotechnical behaviour of an instrumented urban tunnel built under difficult soft soil conditions in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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