The Principle of Natural Proportionality applied to the creep of compacted recycled asphalt pavement
Eulalio Juárez-Badillo
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GEO2011: 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 14th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical EngineeringSession: Transportation Geotechnics
ABSTRACT: General theoretical equations provided by the principle of natural proportionality are used to describe the creep response of compacted RAP under sustained deviatoric stresses. Constant stress, consolidated-drained triaxial tests were performed on 100 mm diameter, compacted RAP specimens at multiple confining stresses and deviator stress levels.
RESUMEN: Las ecuaciones generales previstas por el principio de proporcionalidad natural se usan para describir la respuesta de creep de RAP compactadas bajo esfuerzo desviador sostenido. Pruebas triaxiales de esfuerzo constante y consolidadas-drenadas fueron realizadas sobre muestras compactadas de RAP de 100 mm de diámetro, para múltiples esfuerzos de confinamiento y niveles de esfuerzo desviador.
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Eulalio Juárez-Badillo
(2011) The Principle of Natural Proportionality applied to the creep of compacted recycled asphalt pavement in GEO2011. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Eulalio Juárez-Badillo
title = The Principle of Natural Proportionality applied to the creep of compacted recycled asphalt pavement ,
year = 2011
title = The Principle of Natural Proportionality applied to the creep of compacted recycled asphalt pavement ,
year = 2011