
Digital image processing of drag embedment anchors in translucent silicate gel

Ryan D. Beemer, Charles P. Aubeny

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: T2C - Harbour and Shoreline Geotechniques

ABSTRACT: Physical modeling of drag embedment anchor (DEA) installation has proven to be a unique challenge. DEA embedment is a dynamic process where an anchor can translate many times its fluke length vertically and horizontally. The challenge is to accurately measure the anchor's path through the soil while minimizing disturbance from instrumentation. Since soils are opaque this is a difficult task. The use of a translucent soil can provide a unique solution to these problems. While testing in this medium the anchors path can be observed and its spatial coordinates determined from digital image processing. Presented is a means of using translucent silicate gel and images processing techniques to measure model DEA trajectories. Experiments in repeatability and the effects of anchor line diameter were conducted and compared to analytical predictions. Used under the proper conditions, these techniques can provide a novel solution for geotechnical testing where direct observation of kinematic behavior is desirable.

RÉSUMÉ: des ancrages encastrés traînants (DEA) est un procédé dynamique, où un ancrage peut avoir une verticalement. Le défi consiste à mesurer le chemiancrages est observable lors de tests en milieu translucide. Les coordonnées spatiales des ancrages peuvent être a répétabilité et sur des conditions adéquates, ces techniques fournissent une observation directe du comportement cinématique nécessaire en géotechnique.

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Citer cet article:
Ryan D. Beemer; Charles P. Aubeny (2012) Digital image processing of drag embedment anchors in translucent silicate gel in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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title = Digital image processing of drag embedment anchors in translucent silicate gel,
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