
Experimental Data for Tidal Water Table Fluctuation in a Sand Beach

Coline Taveau, Robert P. Chapuis, Mathilde Labiau, Michel Chouteau

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: T2D - Seepage and Hydrogeology

ABSTRACT: There are currently few experimental data for the water table fluctuation in unconfined aquifer, which would give some means to assess whether the proposed theories or numerical studies are realistic. Two one-week data collections of water levels in a sand beach were performed on the St-Lawrence north shore. A set of eleven observation wells equipped with electronic pressure transducers were installed. Also, several geophysical data were collected and will be used as complements to water level measurements. The major experimental results show that the water table in the beach is always higher than the mean sea level, and the highest water level in the sand beach is higher than the high tide mean level. The fluctuation amplitude of the water level decreases while going in the land direction, whereas the time lag of the water level fluctuation increases. Finally, the limited sand drainage capacity causes nearly stagnant water levels near the sea, and the graph of water table versus time is strongly distorted when compared to the tidal curve.

RÉSUMÉ: Il existe actuellement peu de données expérimentales sur la fluctuation de la nappe dans un aquifère à nappe libre qui s de pression ont été installés. Également, plusieurs données géophysiques ont été recueillies et seront utilisées pour compléter principaux sont que la nappe phréatique dans la plage est toujours plus haute que le niveau moyen de la mer, et que le niveau piézométrique le plus élevé dans la plage est supérieur au niveau moyen de la marée haute. Ltandis que le déphasage des fluctuations du niveau du sable produit presque stagnants près de la mer et un graphique de la nappe en fonction du temps fortement déformé, comparé à la courbe de marée.

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Coline Taveau; Robert P. Chapuis; Mathilde Labiau; Michel Chouteau (2012) Experimental Data for Tidal Water Table Fluctuation in a Sand Beach in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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