
Some observations on steel pipeline-sand interface shear strength under low effective normal stresses

Ruslan Amarasinghe, Dharma Wijewickreme, Hisham Eid

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: T3C - Pipelines and Trenchless Technologies

ABSTRACT: An experimental research program has been undertaken to study the interface friction between a steel pipeline surface and sand under low effective normal stresses (less than 6 kPa) typically encountered in offshore oil and gas pipeline applications. A macro-scale interface direct shear testing device having a plan interface shear area of approximately 1.75 m x 1.75 m has been used for this purpose at the University of British Columbia. This paper is intended to present some initial observations arising from this experimental work. The findings are compared with data obtained from traditional small-scale interface direct shear and ring shear tests.

RÉSUMÉ: Un programme de recherche cas pour les tuyaux de transport de pétrole -Britannique, un large de présenter les observations initiales de ce travail expérimental. Les résultats sont comparés avec des données provenant de tests conventionnels à petite échelle de cisaillement direct et de cisaillement annulaire.

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Ruslan Amarasinghe; Dharma Wijewickreme; Hisham Eid (2012) Some observations on steel pipeline-sand interface shear strength under low effective normal stresses in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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