
Consideration of the influence of neighbouring wells when interpreting pumping test data in a confined aquifer with two areas of similar diffusivity

Simon Weber, Robert P. Chapuis

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: M1D - Hydrogeology

ABSTRACT: The influence of active neighbouring wells is often neglected when interpreting pumping test data, which can lead to erroneous interpretations. A few methods have been described to take into account the effects of interfering wells on the measured drawdowns in a confined aquifer under the Theis conditions. This paper expands one of these methods if the tested and interfering wells are located in two areas of different hydrodynamic properties separated by a linear partial boundary, but with a similar diffusivity. Some restrictions on the number of monitoring wells and their position are given to be able to determine all the unknown parameters, including the position of the boundary. The methods require knowing the time the interfering well has started to extract water and its pumping rate, but not the equilibrium level of the aquifer. An application using numerical data sets is presented.

RÉSUMÉ: ai de pompage est souvent négligée, ce qui peut conduire à des erreurs s rabattements mesurés dans un aquifère à nappe captive sous les hypothèses de Theis. Cet article développe une de ces méthodes dans le cas où les puits testé et interférent se trouvent dans deux régions de propriétés hydrodynamiques différentes séparées par une frontière partielle linéaire, mais ayant une diffusivité similaire. Quelques restrictions sur le paramètres recherchés, y compris la position de la frontière. Cette méthode nécessite de connaître le temps de départ du pompage Un exemple

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Simon Weber; Robert P. Chapuis (2012) Consideration of the influence of neighbouring wells when interpreting pumping test data in a confined aquifer with two areas of similar diffusivity in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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