
Case studies for a tool for evaluating the sustainability of site remediation treatment systems

Catherine N. Mulligan, Stephanie Dumais, Robert Noel-de-Tilly

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: M2C - GeoEnvironmental I

ABSTRACT: GoldSET (www.goldset.com) is a decision support tool to embed sustainable development principles into engineering projects. A site remediation module allows the application of sustainability principles through the tool to projects within the site remediation context and to promote sustainable infrastructure. It may be used in the development phase of site remediation engineering projects to evaluate the sustainability strengths and weaknesses of options, to assess the current sustainability performance of existing infrastructure, or to prioritize future upgrades depending on sustainability criteria. A variety of case studies for actual sites were evaluated using the tool. Options for environmental management of the site were compared using the tool. This paper summarizes the results of the comparison for the case studies.

RÉSUMÉ: GOLDSET (www.goldset.comgrer les principes de ldSET ainsi que pour évaluer la performance et optimiser les mesures actuelles et à mettre en place. Trois études de cas ont été réaliCet article présente les

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Catherine N. Mulligan; Stephanie Dumais; Robert Noel-de-Tilly (2012) Case studies for a tool for evaluating the sustainability of site remediation treatment systems in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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