
Potential Development at Dublin Gulch, Yukon: Part 1 - Engineering Geology

G. Hensold, P. Quinn, D. Welkner, W. Newcomen

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: M3B - Engineering Geology

ABSTRACT: Dublin Gulch, located in the heart of central Yukon, is the site of potential development of an open pit heap leach gold and intrusive bedrock is variably folded, faulted, and contact metamorphosed. Dublin Gulch remained ice-free during the most recent continental glaciations; as a result, the rock mass has been left in place for at least 200,000 years and has developed a thick weathering profile. Surface sediments and bedrock are further modified by ongoing periglacial and colluvial processes, and excess ice is commonly encountered in widely-distributed, discontinuous permafrost. Valley bottom sediments have also been re-worked by a century of human activity. An empirical classification system, based on simple index parameters, was used to separate bedrock into three general engineering types at the project scale for design purposes.

RÉSUMÉ: -metasédimentaires et intrusives locales sont typiquement affectées par des déformations de failles, de plis ou par profil de météorisation de la roche en profondeur. Les couches sédimentaires et rocheuses y sont sujettes à la périglaciation et redistribution colluviale, impliquant la présence de glace excédentaire dans un pergélisol discontinu. Les dépositions alluvionnaires ont de plus été déplacées par un siècle empirique rojet.

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G. Hensold; P. Quinn; D. Welkner; W. Newcomen (2012) Potential Development at Dublin Gulch, Yukon: Part 1 - Engineering Geology in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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