
Potential Development at Dublin Gulch, Yukon: Part 2 - Engineering Challenges

J. Danielson, P. Quinn, K. Hanley, D. Welkner, T. Urquhart, L. Toussaint, W. Newcomen, G. Hensold

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: M3B - Engineering Geology

ABSTRACT: Dublin Gulch, located in the heart of central Yukon, is the site of potential development of an open pit heap leach gold mine. The area has an unusual geological history, possibly unique in a Canadian context. Interesting local geological characteristics, described in a companion paper, lead to a number of engineering challenges. This paper describes some of the more important engineering challenges associated with planned earthworks construction, including: provision of high quality borrow; foundation and cut slope design; construction on ice-rich permafrost, and, bedrock rippability. The paper also discusses the various methods employed to understand and solve these challenges, including detailed reconnaissance and field mapping, drilling and in-situ testing, geophysics, and plate load testing.

RÉSUMÉ: Situé sur Plateau de Stewart d-exe, probablement unique dans le contexte canadien. Les conditions géologiques particulières au site, décrites plus en détail dans un article associé, impliquent de nombreux défis géotechniques dont certains des plus importants sont liés aux travaux de terrassement proposés; en particulier: scarification. Cet article décrit par ailleurs les diverses méthodes employées pour comprendre et résoudre ces défis en incluant la cartographie de terrain, la cartographie géologique, le forage, les essais in-situ, les études géophysiques et les essais de charge sur plaque.

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Cite this article:
J. Danielson; P. Quinn; K. Hanley; D. Welkner; T. Urquhart; L. Toussaint; W. Newcomen; G. Hensold (2012) Potential Development at Dublin Gulch, Yukon: Part 2 - Engineering Challenges in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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