
Landfill Infrastructure - building on the past to improve the environmental performance of municipal waste management facilities - a case study

Carol A. Kehoe

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: M3C - GeoEnvironmental II

ABSTRACT: The past forty years of waste management has seen an evolution of landfill design from daily burial of mixed municipal waste to complex waste management facilities. An examination of three separate landfills undergoing regulatory renewal provides an appreciation of the challenges faced by engineers fifty years ago in proposing waste management facilities as a replacement for open burning and incineration, in the past decades seeking to improve environmental performance, and at the present time in upgrading these facilities under changing regulatory requirements and competing urban land needs. As waste management needs changes, there is an ongoing need to assess and configure the overall landfill layout in a manner that maximizes the use of the land, remains in compliance with regulations, and supports continual improvement of the environmental performance of each landfill. The examination of landfill design and construction, past, present and future, considers the specific environmental and geotechnical conditions of each site, changing regulatory requirements, and changing public priorities.

RÉSUMÉ: La gerance des ordures au niveau municipal a connu une evolution continue au cours des quarante dernieres annees des procedes plus complexes. ce qui a trait a la reglementation nous donne une meilleure appreciation des defis que les ingenieurs ont eu a faire face remplacement du brulage a ciel ouvert et des incinerateurs. Au cours des dernieres decennies, on a egalement des infrastructures tout en respectant la reglementation qui ne cesse pas de changer, de meme que la competition en ce qui a trait au besoin des terres urbaines. Au fur et a mesure que les besoins changent pour la gerance des ordures, il existe un besoin continuel de reviser et utilization des espaces de terre, maintenir passé, du present et du future doit considerer des conditions environementales et geotechniques pour chaque site qui du meme coup ameneront des changements au niveau des regles requises et des priorites publiques.

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Carol A. Kehoe (2012) Landfill Infrastructure - building on the past to improve the environmental performance of municipal waste management facilities - a case study in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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