
Case Study : Performance of Rapid Response Flood Control Systems During 2011 Flood in Manitoba

Rohit Sati

In the proceedings of: GeoManitoba 2012: 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: T2C - Harbour and Shoreline Geotechniques

ABSTRACT: In 2011, to combat the anticipated flood situation in the province of Manitoba, a plan was put in place to increase its stock of water filled flood control dams by 9 additional kilometres. Part of the plan was to package these flood control dams into rapid response trailers that could be rapidly deployed to areas at risk. Water filled flood control dams had been used previously in Manitoba for flood control, notably in 2009. Although the flood dams worked well the deployment of the dams required transportation resources that were in short supply. The requirement was for a trailer packaged with everything needed to install a water filled dam including the dams, pumps, suction and discharge hoses, and ancillary equipment. This case history will discuss the rapid response trailer systems and present some of the challenges encountered and lessons learned during deployment of the water filled dams including ground conditions, installation and design of the dams.

RÉSUMÉ: r la protection contre les crues dans le but de lutter contre les inondations anticipées. En 2009, sept kilomètres avaient suffi pour contrôler les inondations. Même si les barrages pour la protection contre les crues ont bien fonctionné en 2009, leur déploiement avait exigé le transport de ressources manquantes. Le plan de 2011 prévoyait donc de charger le matériel nécessaire dans des remorques pouvant être rapidement et aisément déployées dans les zones à risque. Les remorques contenaient tout le matériel nécessaire pour installer un barrage, y compris les digues, les pompes, les on discute également de la conception des barrages, des conditions sur le terrain, des difficultés rencontrées et de leçons apprises.

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Rohit Sati (2012) Case Study : Performance of Rapid Response Flood Control Systems During 2011 Flood in Manitoba in GEO2012. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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