
Numerical investigation of the stress state in adjacent backfilled mine stopes

Nooshin Falaknaz, Michel Aubertin, Li Li

In the proceedings of: GeoMontréal 2013: 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 11th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Mining Geotechnics I

ABSTRACT: Evaluating the stress state in backfilled stopes is a key step for ensuring safety in underground mines. This is a critical issue for the design of stopes and barricades, and it has led to extensive work, based on analytical and numerical techniques, to assess the stresses in a single backfilled opening. However, there is a paucity of information on the behavior of adjacent stopes that may interact with each other. In the case of multiple openings, the stress state can be affected by the sequence of excavation and filling. This paper presents key results from a numerical investigation on the response of two vertical stopes created in sequence. The results illustrate the influence of stope geometry (size and spacing), backfill properties, and excavation (and filling) sequence on the stress distribution in both backfilled stopes.

RÉSUMÉ: souterraines. Cet aspect est critique pour la conception des chantiers et des barricades, et il a conduit à de nombreux travaux, basés sur des techniques analytiques et numériques, cents qui peuvent interagir entre eux. Dans le erticaux créés en séquence. Les remblayés.

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Nooshin Falaknaz; Michel Aubertin; Li Li (2013) Numerical investigation of the stress state in adjacent backfilled mine stopes in GEO2013. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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