
Pullout performance of strip reinforcements used in mechanically stabilized earth walls

John Sankey, Robert Lozano

In the proceedings of: GeoMontréal 2013: 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 11th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Geosynthetics - Wall Reinforcement

ABSTRACT: For discrete reinforcing strips used in MSE walls, standards developed under the AASHTO codes have identified a method for evaluating pullout of ribbed steel reinforcements through conservative default values using a friction factor term identified as f*. A similar default basis for polymeric reinforcing strips is not available in AASHTO; only values meant for geotextiles and geogrids. The latest testing of high tenacity polymeric strips has demonstrated f* characteristics that are only slightly less than those found in steel reinforcing strips. As such, testing and a corresponding selection methodology for f* is advocated to reduce the inherent conservativeness in using default values. This paper will address pullout testing necessary to obtain f*, an evaluation basis for results and the expected outcome for f* in high tenacity polymeric strips based on physical characteristics of the backfill.

RÉSUMÉ: Pour les bandes discrètes de renforcement de sols utilisées dans les murs de soutènement, les normes développées armatures en acier nervurées grâce à des valeurs par défaut conservatives en utilisant un coefficient de frottement appelé f*. Le même raisonnement à partir de valeurs par défaut pour des bandes de reréalisés sur des bandes polymériques haute ténacité ont démontré des valeurs de f* qui ne sont que légèrement article portles valeurs de f* attendues dans le cas de bandes polymériques haute ténacité en fonction des caractéristiques physiques du remblai.

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Cite this article:
John Sankey; Robert Lozano (2013) Pullout performance of strip reinforcements used in mechanically stabilized earth walls in GEO2013. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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