Investigation of Traction and Deicing Properties of Used Coffee Grounds
Alexander Kramer, Haley Vermes, Adam F. Sevi
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoMontréal 2013: 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 11th joint with IAH-CNCSession: Geoenvironmental Sustainability
ABSTRACT: The current study is intended to investigate the application of used coffee grounds as a sustainable traction and de-icing material for winter walkway and roadway maintenance. Three normal loads for friction were tested spanning typical contact pressures under foot, typical vehicle tire pressures, and 18-wheeler truck tire pressures respectively, 34, 310, and 700 kPa (5, 45, and 100 psi). The results were compared to the friction ability of sand between the ice block and flat rubber surface as well as the rubber directly placed on the ice surface. Frictional coefficients of 0.51, 0.45, and 0.18 were found for the sand, coffee, and rubber on ice respectively. Additionally, the ability of coffee grounds to depress the freezing point of water was compared with the ability of salt. Mixing coffee grounds with water did very little to depress the freezing temperature of water, while salt was found to be a consistent performer. The identified frictional characteristics of coffee grounds is encouraging, however no appreciable freezing point depression was found. Given used coffee grounds frictional ability, dark sun attracting color, as well as ability to float on melted ice indicates this material could be useful as a spreadable traction material during winter weather.
RÉSUMÉ: La présente étude vise à étudier l'application du Marc de café usagé comme une traction durable et matériel pour l'entretien de trottoir et chaussée hivernal de dégivrage. Trois charges normales pour friction ont été testés s'étendant sur des pressions de contact typiques sous pieds, pressions de pneus de véhicule typique et pressions de pneus de camion 18-roues respectivement, 34, 310 et 700 kPa (5, 45 et 100 lb/po2). Les résultats ont été comparés à la capacité de friction de sable entre le bloc de glace et surface plate en caoutchouc ainsi que le caoutchouc placés directement sur la surface de la glace. Coefficients de friction de 0,51 0,45 et 0,18 trouvées pour le sable, le café et le caoutchouc sur glace respectivement. En outre, la capacité du Marc de café à abaisser le point de congélation de l'eau a été comparée à la capacité du sel. Café moulu de mélange avec de l'eau a très peu fait pour abaisser la température de congélation de l'eau, tandis que le sel s'est avéré pour être un interprète cohérent. Les caractéristiques de frottement identifiés du Marc de café est encourageant, a toutefois n'été constatée aucune diminution appréciable de la CONGELATION. Café motifs friction capacité, dark sun, attirant la couleur, ainsi que la capacité de flotter sur la glace fondue indique ce matériau pourrait être utile comme un matériel de traction tartinables durant l'hiver. 1 INTRODUCTION According to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act of 1999, Canada used approximately 5 million tonnes of salt for road per winter. Furthermore, a publication in the New York Law Journal estimated that the U.S. uses up to 11 million tons of salt during a typical winter. Elevated chloride levels have been found in many streams that are toxic to aquatic life, and exceeding water quality criteria on both sides of the border. Sand use on roadways in the winter far outweighs that of salt. Meanwhile coffee consumption continues to rise with 85% of U.S. adults consuming coffee on the past day (NCA, 2013). The basis of this study is to investigate an alternative sustainable solution to salt and sand to be used as a deicing and traction material on walkways and roads. The salt and sand used in this research project were both acquired from the Town of Northfield, Vermont, USA Highway Department. The Town of Northfield Highway Department receives the salt and sand through a local quarry. The salt is stored separately for use as a deicing material while the sand is delivered with a small amount of salt mixed in to prevent freezing of the sand piles during the winter months.
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Alexander Kramer; Haley Vermes; Adam F. Sevi (2013) Investigation of Traction and Deicing Properties of Used Coffee Grounds in GEO2013. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Alexander Kramer; Haley Vermes; Adam F. Sevi,
title = Investigation of Traction and Deicing Properties of Used Coffee Grounds,
year = 2013
title = Investigation of Traction and Deicing Properties of Used Coffee Grounds,
year = 2013