
Physical modeling of stone column installation in fine sand and its effect on lateral to vertical stress ratio

Olivier Hurley, Mathieu Nuth, Mourad Karray, Frédéric Massé, Claire Mollereau, Mounir Bouassida, Mohamed Chekired

In the proceedings of: GeoMontréal 2013: 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 11th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Soil and Rock Mechanics V

ABSTRACT: An experimental research program has been undertaken to investigate the lateral response of stone column installation. A new apparatus was developed to apply a vertical stress on a sand sample inside a 600 X 364 X 12 mm PVC cell that allows for the installation of a stone at its center. Lateral pressures were measured using a Tekscan flexible sensor and lateral to vertical pressure ratios were measured before and after the stone installation to evaluate the inherent improvement. The experimental procedure also included density tests using the dynamic penetration method. The results obtained showed increased sand density and increased lateral to vertical pressure ratio for all three of the stone columns tested.

RÉSUMÉ: Un montage expérimental est développé dans le but d'étudier la variation de la pression latérale suite à l'insertion de pierre dans un sable. Un appareil est construit à cet effet permettant l'insertion de pierre tout en maintenant une surcharge verticale sur un sable à l'intérieur d'une cellule ne PVC de dimensions 600 X 364 X 12 mm. La pression latérale est mesurée à l'aide d™un capteur de pression Tekscan ultramince et flexible. La procédure d™essais comprend également des essais de densité basés sur la méthode de la pénétration dynamique. Les résultats obtenus montrent une augmentation de la densité du sable et du ratio des contraintes latérale et verticale pour les trois colonnes ballastées testées.

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Cite this article:
Olivier Hurley; Mathieu Nuth; Mourad Karray; Frédéric Massé; Claire Mollereau; Mounir Bouassida; Mohamed Chekired (2013) Physical modeling of stone column installation in fine sand and its effect on lateral to vertical stress ratio in GEO2013. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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