
Strength and stiffness properties of lightweight TDA-Sand fill mixtures

Hany El Naggar, Pendar Soleimani, Amirnezam Fakhroo

In the proceedings of: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Laboratory and Field Testing

ABSTRACT: Numerous investigations have shown that waste tires may have suitable applications in civil engineering such as highway embankments, landfills as leachate drainage material, lightweight backfills for walls and bridge abutments, for slope stabilization, stacked bales, and subgrade insulation for roads. These promising applications not only provide a new construction material but also help to provide sustainable solution for several environmental and economic problems. The addition of Tire Derived Aggregates (TDA) to sand results in a fill material which is characterised by enhanced shear strength compared to that of pure sand. The effects of soil/aggregate gradation on the shear strength, and compressibility is one of particular interest. The main goal of this research project is to gain an understanding of the interaction between the TDA and aggregate in aim of producing better fill mixtures with enhanced characteristics. This paper reports the first phase of the project. RÉSUMÉ De nombreuses enquêtes ont montré que les pneus usagés peuvent avoir des applications appropriées en génie civil , comme les talus de la route , les décharges comme matériau de drainage des lixiviats , des remblais légers pour murs et culées de pont , pour la stabilisation des talus , des balles empilées , et l'isolation du sol de fondation pour les routes . Ces applications prometteuses non seulement de fournir un nouveau matériau de construction , mais aussi aider à fournir une solution durable pour plusieurs problèmes environnementaux et économiques. L'ajout d' agrégats de pneus dérivées (TDA) aux résultats de sable dans un matériau de remplissage qui est caractérisé par une résistance au cisaillement améliorée comparativement à celle du sable pur . Les effets de sol / granulométrie des granulats sur la résistance au cisaillement , et la compressibilité est un intérêt particulier . L'objectif principal de ce projet de recherche est de mieux comprendre l'interaction entre le TDA et globale en vue de produire mieux remplir mélanges avec des caractéristiques améliorées. Cet article présente la première phase du projet. 1 INTRODUCTION Approximately 250 million tires are discarded each year in the United States and 20 million in Canada. Finding sustainable ways to dispose these tires continues to be a problem throughout the world not only in North America. Disposal issues along with a continuing increase in tire production have resulted in an increase in tire stockpiles, 30 % of these tires end up occupying valuable landfill space. TDA has excellent geotechnical properties, maintains its structural integrity and weighs 50% to 60% less than conventional earth fill. TDA has been effectively used as fill in several jurisdictions in the United States and Canada since the early 1990's. The economic and environmental benefits of using TDA as a fill material are twofold Œ first, large volumes of used tires are diverted from landfill and stockpiles, and consequently, comparable volumes of non-renewable aggregates are spared from consumption. The lightweight characteristic of TDA makes it a desirable construction material for embankment built on soft soils as it improves its stability and stabilize landslides. Furthermore, TDA has a lower coefficient of lateral earth pressure (50% of conventional soil backfill) resulting in lesser lateral pressures on retaining walls Œ as low as half of conventional soil backfill; TDA can be used as good thermal insulator as it has thermal resistance that is about 7 to 8 times higher than conventional soil backfill; it also has great draining characteristics with high hydraulic conductivity generally greater than 1 cm/s. Strength of TDA can be determined by the use of either large-scale direct shear apparatus or by triaxial testing. However, both of these tests have limitations. Size of the tire chips and the large amount of metal fragments makes triaxial testing of tire-soil mixtures extremely difficult and thus the tested sample may not be representative of the true composition. Foose et al. (1996) suggested that triaxial testing of tire chips should be limited to chips less than 25 mm. Large-scale shear apparatus is usually used based on the standard test method ASTM D3080 to minimize the problems associated with triaxial testing. Edil and Bosscher (1994) found that adding 10% tire shreds by volume to sand gives greater shear strength

RÉSUMÉ: trength and stiffness properties of lightweight

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Hany El Naggar; Pendar Soleimani ; Amirnezam Fakhroo (2014) Strength and stiffness properties of lightweight TDA-Sand fill mixtures in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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