Numerical analysis of four analytical methods to interpret a pumping test influenced by a neighbouring active well
Simon Weber, Robert P. Chapuis
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical ConferenceSession: Hydrogeology and Groundwater
ABSTRACT: The influence of active neighbouring wells is often neglected when interpreting pumping test data. The authors proposed methods similar to the well-known Cooper-Jacob methods to interpret pumping test data influenced by a neighbouring well, to be used in the simple case of a homogeneous, isotropic, confined aquifer of infinite extension, provided the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time at which it started pumping are both known. Nevertheless, a few methods were previously proposed for the same conditions. This paper briefly sums up the four methods found in the literature to interpret this interference phenomenon and presents an application example of each of them on a numerical data set. These methods are, starting with the oldest, th method. The paper will discuss the pros and cons of these four methods.
RÉSUMÉ: de auteurs ont proposé des méthodes similaires à celles de Cooper-nterférent et le temps auquel il commence à pomper soient tous deux connus. Néanmoins, quelques méthodes existaient au préalable sous les mêmes conditions. Cet article résume brièvement les quatre méthodes trouvées dans ter ce phénomène Ces méthodes sont, en commençant par la plus ancienne, méthode de Cooper-Jacob généralisée et la méthode de Rushton. Cet article discute également les avantages et inconvénients de ces quatre méthodes.
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Citer cet article:
Simon Weber; Robert P. Chapuis (2014) Numerical analysis of four analytical methods to interpret a pumping test influenced by a neighbouring active well in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Simon Weber; Robert P. Chapuis,
title = Numerical analysis of four analytical methods to interpret a pumping test influenced by a neighbouring active well,
year = 2014
title = Numerical analysis of four analytical methods to interpret a pumping test influenced by a neighbouring active well,
year = 2014