
Results from a field investigation of the elevated water table technique combined with a monolayer cover on acid generating tailings

Marie-Pier Ethier, Bruno Bussière, Isabelle Demers, Abdelkabir Maqsoud, Michel Aubertin, Jean Dionne, Mélanie Roy

In the proceedings of: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Mining Geotechnics

ABSTRACT: The abandoned Manitou mine site been producing acid mine drainage (AMD) for decades. In 2009, a monolayer cover made of non acid-generating fine-grained tailings was placed on the tailings storage facility #2. The objective of the reclamation plan is to control oxygen availability by creating a nearly saturated cover. Thirteen (13) instrumented stations were installed to monitor the performance of the reclamation technique on the site, which is mainly related with the hydrogeological behaviour and oxygen transport in the cover. The results of the 2012-2013 measurements campaign show seasonal variations in the volumetric water content of the cover and a water table that is sometimes lower than the cover - tailings interface for some stations. Numerical calculations are also performed to assess the performance of the reclamation technique, based on simulations of the hydrogeological conditions and gas flux.

RÉSUMÉ: Le site minier abandonné Manitou produit du drainage a été mis en place au niveau du parc 2 du siteen maintenant le recouvrement à haut degré de saturation en eau. Treize (13) stations instrumentées ont été installées la performance de la technique de restauration du site, du point de vue du comportement hydrogéologique et du transport de mesures réalisée en 2012 et 2013 montrent une variation saisonnière de la teneur en eau volumique du recouvrement et un niveau phréatique parfois en dessous de e recouvrement - résidus miniers pour certaines stations. Des calculs numérqiues sont aussi menés afin des flux gazeux.

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Cite this article:
Marie-Pier Ethier; Bruno Bussière; Isabelle Demers; Abdelkabir Maqsoud; Michel Aubertin; Jean Dionne; Mélanie Roy (2014) Results from a field investigation of the elevated water table technique combined with a monolayer cover on acid generating tailings in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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