
Geosynthetic Reinforced Vegetated Sierra® Slope Practice on Circle Drive Project, Saskatoon SK

Hardwin Zhanhong Zhen, Dan MacDonald

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Geosynthetics

ABSTRACT: ic Reinforced Vegetated Sierra® Slope Practice on Circle Drive Project, Saskatoon SK Hardwin Zhanhong Zhen, Dan MacDonald Nilex Civil Environmental Group, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Nilex Civil Environmental Group, Burnaby, BC. Canada ABSTRACT Steepened vegetated slopes (from 35° to 70°) containing geosynthetic reinforcement elements have become increasingly popular in Canadian infrastructure construction with incomparable advantages in constructability, overall cost, flexibility and a vivid green appearance compared to concrete faced MSE walls. In 2010, Graham-Flatiron, a JV selected Nilex to provide a fully integrated RSS solution, to reinforce over 6200 m2 sloped surface for the Circle Drive project. The selected Slopes effectively form the long approach ramps leading up to the bridge crossing structures, with a maximum vertical height up to 12 metres. The project eventually completed the actual circle in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The slopes were constructed in two phases: the initial slope was comprised of a synthetic structural facing wrap in concert with the use of HDPE geogrids; a geocell mat filled with top soil and low-growing grass covered the slope surface to form a This project now completes the circular road network around the city, 100 years after the concept was first envisioned. RÉSUMÉ Les talus végétalisés avec pentes accentuées ( de 35 ° à 70 ° ) en contenant des éléments de renforcement avantages incomparables en constructibilité, coût global, flexibilité et, en plus, un aspect vert vif par comparaison avec avec paroi de béton. En 2010, Nilex a été sélectionné par la coentreprise Graham Flatiron pour fournir un talus végétal, une solution « RSS » complètement intégrée, afin de renforcer 6,200 m2 de surface du talus pour le projet Circle Drive. Le system sélectionné forme efficacement les rampes d'accès menant aux structures de ponts avec une hauteur maximale vertical tchewan. Les talus ont été construits en deux phases: le talus initiale était composé d'une geosynthétique structurel en formant un de polyéthylène haute densité (HDPE); un système de confinement cellulaire rempli avec du sol végétale et de l'herbe à faible croissance en couvrant la surface de la pente pour former un « système de pente vert durable » Le document présente l'unicité du système, les critères de conception , et les conseils de construction. 1 INTRODUCTION Circle Drive South project (the project, or Circle Drive) is an essential section of ring road in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It is also the first design-build contract and the largest single project in the city's history. 1.1 Project Description In 1913, Mr. Christopher Yorath presented a Plan for Greater Saskatoon, in which he proposed the ring road concept of , the previous Circle Drive plan. 100 years later, on July 31, 2013, the main roadway of this $288 million dollar project (Figure 1) opened to traffic. With a capacity of 30,000 vehicles, it was designed not only to straighten and shorten the commuting distances, but also to reduce about 35% of traffic at afternoon rush hour. Figure 1: Completed Section of Circle Drive Project in 2013 The major characteristics of the Circle Drive Project involve: a new six-lane bridge five new interchanges (Idylwyld Drive, Lorne Avenue, Valley Road, 11th Street West, and Preston Avenue South)

RÉSUMÉ: nthetic Reinforced Vegetated Sierra® Slope Practice on Circle Drive Project, Saskatoon SK Hardwin Zhanhong Zhen, Dan MacDonald Nilex Civil Environmental Group, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Nilex Civil Environmental Group, Burnaby, BC. Canada ABSTRACT Steepened vegetated slopes (from 35° to 70°) containing geosynthetic reinforcement elements have become increasingly popular in Canadian infrastructure construction with incomparable advantages in constructability, overall cost, flexibility and a vivid green appearance compared to concrete faced MSE walls. In 2010, Graham-Flatiron, a JV selected Nilex to provide a fully integrated RSS solution, to reinforce over 6200 m2 sloped surface for the Circle Drive project. The selected Slopes effectively form the long approach ramps leading up to the bridge crossing structures, with a maximum vertical height up to 12 metres. The project eventually completed the actual circle in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The slopes were constructed in two phases: the initial slope was comprised of a synthetic structural facing wrap in concert with the use of HDPE geogrids; a geocell mat filled with top soil and low-growing grass covered the slope surface to form a

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Citer cet article:
Hardwin Zhanhong Zhen; Dan MacDonald (2014) Geosynthetic Reinforced Vegetated Sierra® Slope Practice on Circle Drive Project, Saskatoon SK in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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