
Compressibility characteristics of a glaciolacustrine clayey deposit in Northern Ontario

Gholamreza Jarghi Araghi, Abouzar Sadrekarimi, Tony Sangiuliano, Jason Lee, Keli Shi

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Soil Mechanics

ABSTRACT: Soft glaciolacustrine clay deposits, which are commonly found in Ontario, cause highway embankment performance challenges related to settlement. There are different methods to manage embankment settlement issues. This paper describes the ground improvement method and the subsequent research related to the construction of highway bridge approach embankments located on the Highway 11 corridor in Northern Ontario, where approximately 10m high embankments were constructed on up to 35 m of soft clay deposit. One of the goals of this research is to evaluate the effect of soil improvement in terms of soil stress history and compressibility through quantitative comparison of soil properties before and after embankment construction. The research will also assess the secondary compression behaviour of the clay deposit. Based on incremental loading (IL) and constant rate of strain (CRS) consolidation test results, the coefficient of secondary compression tends to increase with time near preconsolidation pressure. RÉSUMÉ Dépôts d'argile glacio-lacustres gazeuses, qui sont généralement trouvés en Ontario, cause des problèmes de performances route de remblai liés à la colonisation. Il existe différentes méthodes pour gérer les problèmes de tassement du remblai. Cet article décrit la méthode d'amélioration des sols et la recherche subséquente liée à la construction de remblais d'approche de pont de l'autoroute situés sur le corridor de la route 11 dans le Nord de l'Ontario, où des berges hautes d'environ 10m ont été construits sur un maximum de 35 m du dépôt d'argile molle. L'un des objectifs de cette recherche est d'évaluer l'effet de l'amélioration des sols en termes de sols histoire des contraintes et la compressibilité en comparaison quantitative des propriétés du sol avant et après la construction du remblai. La recherche permettra également d'évaluer le comportement de compression secondaire du dépôt d'argile. Sur la base de chargement incrémentiel (IL) et vitesse de déformation constante (CRS) des résultats des tests de consolidation, le coefficient de compression secondaire a tendance à augmenter avec le temps proche de la pression de préconsolidation. 1 INTRODUCTION Highway 11 is a major transportation route linking the southern portion of the province to Northern Ontario. The four-lane Hwy 11 from Huntsville to Powasson was completed in the fall of 2012. The impetus for the two to four lane expansion was to accommodate the increased volume of traffic that has increased steadily over the years leading to congestion, in particular in the summer months, over the past few decades. As a result, in order to reduce congestion and improve safety, the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) and Transport Canada have committed significant funds to upgrade the route to a four-lane, controlled access roadway, with northbound and southbound lanes separated by a median. When completed, this 400-series highway will be a major transportation route extending from Highway 401 in the Toronto to North Bay in the north. This paper presents a case study and post-construction research on the design and construction of embankments at the Hwy 11/Black Creek Road Underpass structure located in Northern Ontario, where an approximately 10 m high embankment was constructed on top of an up to 35 m thick deposit of soft clay. The embankments were constructed on a foundation treated with wick drains (Prefabricated Vertical Drains) and surcharging to accelerate primary consolidation and reduce post-construction secondary compression, respectively. Light-weight fill (Expanded Polystyrene-EPS) was also used as a replacement to the embankment fill material to reduce post-construction secondary compression. This paper briefly describes the design and construction of the embankment and presents the findings of a post-construction investigation and research including field investigation and laboratory analyses.

RÉSUMÉ: essibility characteristics of a glaciolacustrine clayey deposit in

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Citer cet article:
Gholamreza Jarghi Araghi; Abouzar Sadrekarimi; Tony Sangiuliano; Jason Lee; Keli Shi (2014) Compressibility characteristics of a glaciolacustrine clayey deposit in Northern Ontario in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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