
Design and Construction of Driven Piles in Liquefiable and Laterally Spreading Soil Conditions for Bridge Structure

Henrik Kristiansen, Adam McIntyre, Kip Skabar

In the proceedings of: GeoRegina 2014: 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Infrastructure

ABSTRACT: The Low Level Road project includes design and construction of the Neptune/Cargill Overpass. Soil conditions in the vicinity primarily comprise of granular fill over loose to compact native granular deposits. The liquefaction of saturated granular soil layers and potential for lateral spreading was predicted for the design level earthquake. Ground improvement was not desirable, and pile foundation design instead included consideration of seismically induced soil liquefaction and lateral spreading soil. This paper presents a description of the design considerations for pile foundations, which included soil-structure-interaction (SSI) analyses. The results of lateral pile analyses were used as input in SSI analyses, several iterations of which were completed to ensure convergence of the independent structural and geotechnical models. Construction information is presented, including pile installation difficulties that were resolved with additional SSI analyses. RÉSUMÉ Le projet de la route à basse altitude a compris la conception et la construction du viaduc du passage Neptune/Cargill. Les conditions du sol dans les environs ce comprennent principalement de remblai granulaire sur des dépôts granulaires indigènes de compacité lâche à compacts. Le potentiel de la liquéfaction des couches de sols granulaires saturées et de l'étalement latéral du sol a été évalué pour le niveau de séisme de référence. L'amélioration des sols n'était pas possible, alors des fondations sur pieux ont été conçues tenant compte du potentiel de la liquéfaction et de l'étalement du sol indu par les chargements sismiques. Ce document présente une description des considérations de conception pour les fondations sur pieux, qui comprend l'analyse de l'interaction sol-structure (ISS). Des résultats d'analyses de déflection latéral des pieux ont été utilisés comme paramètres d'entrée pour l'analyse ISS. Plusieurs itérations ont été complétées afin d'assurer la convergence des modèles structuraux et géotechniques conçue indépendamment. De l'information sur la construction est présenté, en particulier en ce qui concerne les problèmes d'installation de pieux qui ont été résolu par de l'analyse ISS supplémentaire. 1 INTRODUCTION The existing Low Level Road (LLR) will be realigned and elevated between St. Andrew Avenue and East 3rd Street in North Vancouver, BC (see Figure 1 for location of the LLR alignment). The 2.5 km realignment will allow for two new rail tracks directly south of LLR and will involve improvements to the stability of existing steep slopes along the north side of the LLR corridor. The project will include construction of a vehicle overpass into port terminals, resulting in closure of three at-grade existing railway crossings. The project will also include active transportation enhancements, including dedicated bike lanes and upgrades to pedestrian connectivity. Overall, the construction cost for the project is estimated to be in the order of approximately $70M with an anticipated 18-month construction period that commenced in May 2013. The LLR re-alignment will result in the existing roadway shifting to the north onto steeply sloping terrain, which will require construction of MSE retaining walls to facilitate the new roadway. In total, the project will include construction of 4 km of retaining walls with a total wall face area of 37,000 m2. MSE retaining walls will be required above and below the majority of the new 12 m wide LLR alignment, resulting in maximum wall heights of 12 m and 14 m above and below the new roadway, respectively, with a maximum combined wall height of 24 m. Figure 1. Project Site Plan A total of four new bridges are required for the project with three of these structures constructed for bike and/or pedestrian traffic only. A vehicular traffic bridge, the

RÉSUMÉ: n and Construction of Driven Piles in Liquefiable and Laterally Spreading Soil Conditions for Bridge Structure

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Henrik Kristiansen; Adam McIntyre; Kip Skabar (2014) Design and Construction of Driven Piles in Liquefiable and Laterally Spreading Soil Conditions for Bridge Structure in GEO2014. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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