

Guodong Cheng, Zhijiu Cui, Baolai Wang, Huijun Jin

In the proceedings of: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: John Ross MacKay Symposium - Permafrost I / Symposium John Ross MacKay - Pergélisol I

ABSTRACT: The scientific accomplishments of Mackay were of great benefit to China, especially his research on ground ice. Permafrost studies began in China in the 1960s. They were mainly concerned with the impact of near-surface layers of ground ice upon engineering infrastructure. However, Chinese geocryologists had little knowledge of ground-ice genesis and massive ground ice bodies. After 1982, under the influence and generous help of Mackay, Chinese research on permafrost and ground ice became increasingly sophisticated. Mackay was respected and admired not only for his outstanding accomplishments in scientific research, but also for his devotion to science and his innovative methods for permafrost research. His family ties with China were deep.

RÉSUMÉ: Les contributions scientifiques de Mackay furent bénéfiques pour la Chine, en particulier ses recherche sur la glace de sol. Les études sur le pergélisol ont débuté en Chine au cours des années 1960. Elles concernaient principalement les ouvrages de génie civil et les infrastructures. À ce moment, les géocryologues chinois avaient des connaissances limitées en matière de formation de la glace dans le sol et de corps de Mackay la recherche chinoise sur le pergélisol et la glace de sol est devenue de plus en plus élaborée. Mackay était respecté et admiré non seulement pour ses réalisations exceptionnelles en recherche, mais aussi pour son engagement scientifique et ses méthodes innovatrices. Ses liens familiaux avec la Chine étaient profonds.

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Guodong Cheng; Zhijiu Cui; Baolai Wang; Huijun Jin (2015) JOHN ROSS MACKAY - DEVOTED TUTOR AND BEST FRIEND OF CHINESE PERMAFROST RESEARCH in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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