

Dmitry Drozdov, Galina Malkova, Vladimir Romanovsky, Yana Rumyantseva, Andrew Abramov, Pavel Konstantinov, Dmitry Sergeev, Nikolay Shiklomanov, Aleksandr Kholodov, Olga Ponomareva, Dmitry Streletskiy

In the proceedings of: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: Characterization of Permafrost State and Variability II / Caractérisation et variabilité du pergélisol II

ABSTRACT: The progress in the worldwide permafrost monitoring activity is a result of close and long-term cooperation between the scientists, research institutes and various organizations. There are number of leading international projects, including the GTN-P (Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost), CALM (Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring), ACD (Arctic Coastal Dynamics), TSP (Thermal State of Permafrost) and others. The short review of the Russian activities is presented. The huge database about the long-term dynamics of permafrost parameters is very useful, especially due to the similar research organization concept. The next improvement should be the closer interaction with the National Weather Observation Services.

RÉSUMÉ: e des principaux scientifiques du pergélisol et des instituts de rnombreux pays et communautés internationales incluant le Réseau mondial terrestre pour le pergélisol (GTN-P), le programme de surveillance circumpolaire de la couche active (CALM), le projet de dynamique côtière arctique (ACD) et le projet Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP). Les recherches sur le pergélisol, brièvement présentées dans cet article, t très utiles termes de développement futur du projet GTN-P, il y a un grand potentiel pour mener une surveillance complète de la zone du pergélisol sur le plan mondial. Une interaction étroite avec le Service national de météo est un grand avantage aux bases de données du projet GTN-P. 1 THE HISTORY OF THE PERMAFROST MONITORING IN RUSSIA Permafrost is distributed at 65% of the area of Russia and affected a lot of infrastructure. The necessity of construction on frozen grounds have been the main driver to the development of permafrost monitoring since the 1960-th, but first data originated from the XVI century. This huge amount of data is distributed among many institutes and companies, but in general, it was collected based on the similar approach in mind. The history of ceocryology as a science in Russia has aroused and begun to develop since 1920. That time was defined methods of researches permafrost and main hypothesis of factor influence on permafrost stability. This knowledge has formed the basis of pre intelligence researches of Russian North. Figure 1. The main Russian permafrost monitoring sites. Permafrost distribution: 1 continuous, 2 discontinuous, 3 island (Melnikov et al. 2002)

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Dmitry Drozdov; Galina Malkova; Vladimir Romanovsky; Yana Rumyantseva; Andrew Abramov; Pavel Konstantinov; Dmitry Sergeev; Nikolay Shiklomanov; Aleksandr Kholodov; Olga Ponomareva; Dmitry Streletskiy (2015) MONITORING OF PERMAFROST IN RUSSIA. RUSSIAN DATABASE AND THE INTERNATIONAL GTN-P PROJECT. in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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