

Maria Cherbunina, Anatoli Brouchkov, Elina Karnysheva, Masami Fukuda, Valeri Galchenko

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: Laboratory and Insitu Testing in Cold Regions / Essais en laboratoires et essais in situ pour les régions nordiques

ABSTRACT: The question of the origin of methane and activity of methanogenesis at low temperatures remains unclear. Methane production was observed at low temperatures in the laboratory during a long-term experiment. Samples of frozen soils were taken from Yakutsk (Russia), Fairbanks (USA) and Tomakomai (Japan) and incubated at 5 °C in order to study methane production. The soil was incubated in glass flasks for 4.5 years under anaerobic conditions. The measurement of methane content in the air of the flasks was conducted at various intervals, from one week to a month. During the experiment some samples were thawed and frozen again. There was little observed methane emission from the Yakutsk samples. The emission from the Alaskan and Tomakomai samples was slow. However, methane concentration in the air of flasks increased significantly at thawing.

RÉSUMÉ: -organismes méthanogènes à basses températures demeure incertaine. échantillons de sols gelés ont été récupérés à Yakutsk (Russie), à Fairbanks (USA) et à Tomakomai (Japon). Ils ont été incubés dans des flacons en verre pendant une période de 4 ans et demi dans des conditions anaérobiques et à une température de - ir observées. Les émissi

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Maria Cherbunina; Anatoli Brouchkov ; Elina Karnysheva; Masami Fukuda ; Valeri Galchenko (2015) THE RESULTS OF 5- YEAR EXPERIMENT OF METHANE PRODUCTION FROM FROZEN SOILS in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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