

Jessica Abrahamse, Peter Wu, Calatrava Daniel

In the proceedings of: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: Transportation and Linear Infrastructure II / Transports et infrastructures linéaires II

ABSTRACT: In this paper there will be an examination of the relationship between culvert design life and sustainability. The design standards that apply to culvert design are AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), CHBDC (Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code), and AS/NZS (Australian and New Zealand Standards). These regulatory frameworks will be analyzed through the lens of sustainability. Sustainability will be addressed from the standpoint of climate change and the effect of storm events and through the four system conditions, created by Natural Step, as part of the framework for sustainable development. An analysis of culverts functioning as wildlife crossings will also be discussedHarvard Buenvironmental impacts in Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks and animal crossings across highways. Factors influencing design life are often neglected, and as a result can have hidden costs of repeated installation and ecological damage. In this paper based on our research, we have discussed that it is probable that culverts that have a longer design life will have a better sustainable position pertaining to ecological impacts.

RÉSUMÉ: Dans cette étude, il y aura une analyse de la relation entre la durée de vie des ponceaux et le développement durable. and New Zealand Standards).Ces cadres réglementairedu développement durable. Le et à travers les quatre conditions du système créées par «The Natural Step», en tant que cadre pour le développement durable. Une analyse des ponceaux utilisés comme écoducs sera aussi développée. La source documentaire qui sera examinée et citée est «The Sustainability Imperative », Harvard business Review, David A. Lubin, et Daniel C. Esty, changement climatique pour les Ponceaux », et également une documentation examinant imiser les impacts environnementaux dans les Parcs Nationaux des Montagnes Rocheuses Canadiennes et les passages des animaux sur les autoroutes. Les facteurs influençant la conception sont souvent négligés, et par conséquent cela peut cacher des coûts d meilleure position durable concernant l

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Cite this article:
Jessica Abrahamse; Peter Wu; Calatrava Daniel (2015) RESPONSIBLE CULVERT DESIGN - EVALUATING CULVERT DESIGN LIFE FROM A SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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