

Christopher Burn, Jeff Moore, Brendan O'Neill, Don Hayley, Richard Trimble, Fabrice Calmels, Sandra Orban, Muhammad Idrees

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference

Session: In Situ Testing, Instrumentation, and Monitoring in Cold Regions / Essais insitu et instrumentation en milieu nordique

ABSTRACT: The Dempster Highway was built over permafrost to connect the western Arctic with the national highway system. Mean -4 °C. Most ground ice is found in glacial deposits, and in these materials the embankment is particularly prone to thaw subsidence. Extended periods of rain have led to debris flows blocking the road and wash outs in steep terrain and near rivers. Icings may impede drainage during freshet. These hazards are of varying relative importance along the route. The principal terrain units and permafrost-related hazards are: North Klondike, icing; Blackstone Uplands, thaw subsidence; Engineer Creek/Ogilvie River, debris flows and wash outs; Eagle Plains, relatively unaffected; Richardson Mountains and Peel Plateau, thaw subsidence; Northern Plains, icing.

RÉSUMÉ: outier -4 °C. La majorité de la glace de sol est présente dans les dépôts glaciaires, matériaux sur lesquels le remblai routier est particulièrement sujet aux subsidences. Des périodes de pluie importantes ont mené à des coulées de débris bloquant la route et à des glissements de terrain sur les fortes pentes et à proximité des rivières. Des glaçages peuvent obstruer le drainage durant le dégel printanier. Ces risques varient en importance le long de la route. Les principales unités physiographiques et leurs dangers reliés au pergélisol sont: North Klondike, glaçage; Blackstone Uplands, subsidence au dégel; Engineer Creek/Ogilvie River, coulées de débris et glissements de terrain; Eagle Plains, relativement non-affecté; Richardson Mountains and Peel Plateau, subsidence au dégel, Northern Plains, glaçage.

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Citer cet article:
Christopher Burn; Jeff Moore; Brendan O'Neill; Don Hayley; Richard Trimble; Fabrice Calmels; Sandra Orban; Muhammad Idrees (2015) PERMAFROST CHARACTERIZATION OF THE DEMPSTER HIGHWAY, YUKON AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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