Jacques Locat, Dominique Turmel, Jonathan Leblanc, Denis Demers
In the proceedings of: GeoQuébec 2015: 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference & 7th Canadian Permafrost ConferenceSession: Landslides and Slope Stability III / Mouvements de terrain et stabilité des pentes III
ABSTRACT: This paper will present some of the known cases histories in Québec where a tsunami wave was or could have been generated by a landslide, either subaerial or subaqueous: the 1908 Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette slide, which is the one that caused the greatest number of casualties (34), the La Grande (1987) slide and the Cap Trinité rockslide (Saguenay Fjord). This analysis will provide an opportunity to illustrate the destructive power of these events. The analysis of those in quick clays will show that the actual tsunami mechanics is very much influenced by the fact that the rupture surface is nearly horizontal. It will be shown that the presence of an ice cover can be a significant aggravating factor associated with the generation of a tsunami wave. Finally, some discussion will be made regarding the approach which could be followed to take this hazard into account as part of a landslide hazard assessment procedure in Québec.
RÉSUMÉ: Cet article a pour but de présenter des cas historiques connus, où un tsunami a été ou a probablement été généré par un glissement de terrain, subaquatique ou subaérien, dans la province du Québec : le cas de Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette de 1908, causant le plus grand nombre de décès (34) ainsi que le cas de celui du glissement de La Grande en 1987 et éboulis rocheux du Cap Trinité (fjord du Saguenay)uissance entourant les tsunamis est grandement influencée par le fait que la surface de rupture est presque horizontale. Il sera démontré queêtre suivie afin de considérer la formation de tsunami dans des zones susceptibles aux glissements de terrain au Québec.
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Jacques Locat; Dominique Turmel; Jonathan Leblanc; Denis Demers (2015) TSUNAMIGENIC LANDSLIDES IN QUÉBEC in GEO2015. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Jacques Locat; Dominique Turmel; Jonathan Leblanc; Denis Demers,
year = 2015
year = 2015