
Design of Bridge Foundations over Abandoned Underground Coal Mine Workings in Edmonton

Mahmoud Soliman

In the proceedings of: GeoVancouver 2016: 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: INFRASTRUCTURE - 1 Highways & Bridges

ABSTRACT: Construction of the Northeast quadrant of the Anthony Henday Drive ring road in Edmonton, Alberta is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016. Of the project components, 9 new road bridges and 2 existing railway bridges (requiring lengthening) were located in areas that could be impacted by the presence of historic underground coal mine workings. Although these underground coal mines were abandoned many years ago, remnant void spaces remain in many areas that could collapse and result in subsidence related issues for structures. Ground movements in the vicinity of a bridge due to coal mine subsidence could cause differential settlement and/or loss of bearing support, and could affect the performance and/or structural integrity of the bridge. This paper describes the geotechnical investigations that were carried out to characterize the site and define the locations of former underground coal workings, and presents foundation alternatives and solutions that were implemented for bridge structures located in areas that could potentially be impacted by collapse of remnant voids from historic coal workings.

RÉSUMÉ: La construction de la route the contournement de l`autoroute Anthony Henday dans le Nord-Parmi les composantes du projet, neuf nouveaux ponts routiers et deux ponts ferroviaires existants (nécessitant un allongement) pourraient être situés dans des zones charbon abandonné début 1900. Bien que ces mines de charbon souterraines soient longtemps abandonnées, la possibilité que des espaces vides se retrouvent à plusieurs endroits ce qui pourraient entrainer un effondrement et par ainsi provoquer l'affaissement sur les structures en question. Les mines de charbon souterraines peuvent provoquer des ort portant, ce qui Ce document décrit les études géotechniques qui ont été menées pour caractériser le site et de définir les emplacements des ancienne mines de charbon souterraines. Le document présente aussi différent sorte de fondation ponts situés dans des zones qui pourraient être

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Mahmoud Soliman (2016) Design of Bridge Foundations over Abandoned Underground Coal Mine Workings in Edmonton in GEO2016. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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