Walls and Slopes: A Nilex review of innovative applications
D MacDonald, P. Eng.
Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoVancouver 2016: 69th Canadian Geotechnical ConferenceSession: GEOSYNTHETICS
ABSTRACT: This paper will share the innovative application of Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls, and Reinforced emphasized within the following engineering applications: Highways Commercial Buildings Hydro-Electric Bridges Geosynthetics Landfill Closure Walls Municipal/Residential C02 Comparison Compressive Soils Port + Rail Improvements Green Slopes Two Stage Walls The authors will share their project knowledge where these applications have been successfully completed with the prime soil reinforcement comprised of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geogrid. They will cover unique challenges, and lessons learned, from three decades of Canadian experience, including the benefits of an HDPE geogrid when facing aggressive soils, or de-icing salts typical of the cold Canadian climate.
RÉSUMÉ: Ce document a pour but de partager l'application innovatrice des murs de soutènement de Terre Stabilisée Mécaniquement (MSE pour les sigles en anglais) et des Talus en Terre Renforcée (RSS pour les sigles en anglais), permettant de résoudre nombreux défis au Canada dans des projets de terrassement impliquant des différentes élévations du terrain. L'utilisation de ces systèmes sera soulignée dans les applications d'ingénierie suivantes : Autoroutes Bâtiments commerciaux Hydroélectriques Ponts Géosynthétiques Murs pour sites d'enfouissement. Municipal/Résidentiel Des émissions de gaz à effet de serre Sols compressibles Améliorations Port + rail Murs verts murs à deux étapes Les auteurs partageront leurs connaissances de projets où ces applications ont été réalisées avec succès avec le renforcement du sol composé principalement par des géogrilles en polyéthylène haute densité (HDPE). Ils couvriront des défis uniques, et des leçons apprisses, à partir de trois décennies d'expérience Canadienne, incluant les avantages d'une géogrille HDPE lorsque on fait face à des sols agressifs, ou des sels de déglaçage typiques du climat froid canadien. 1 INTRODUCTION The use of high density polyethylene (HDPE) geogrid is a proven engineered technology which has been utilized for support of critical infrastructure on the Canadian landscape for over three decades. The intention is to present unique applications commencing with early HDPE applications, and progress on a historical journey specific to the Canadian experience by the engineers at Tensar® International Corporation (TIC), and its distributor Nilex Civil Environmental Group/Nilex Inc. (NI). 2 EARLY HIGHWAY RETAINING WALL Figure 1 shows a retaining wall up to 7.2 metres high and put into service in 1986. This grade separation was required by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways of British Columbia, along Highway One (TCH). This structure was part of the upgrade needed to complete the final phase of the 200 km Coquihalla Highway Project/TCH as it traverses the southern extent of the City of Kamloops, BC. HDPE geogrids are embeded hardware within a precast panel, securely and continuously connected to the HDPE soil reinforcement. This is best illustrated in Figure 2.
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Citer cet article:
D MacDonald; P. Eng. (2016) Walls and Slopes: A Nilex review of innovative applications in GEO2016. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = D MacDonald; P. Eng.,
title = Walls and Slopes: A Nilex review of innovative applications,
year = 2016
title = Walls and Slopes: A Nilex review of innovative applications,
year = 2016