
Towards InSAR guidelines for landslide monitoring

G. Falorni

In the proceedings of: GeoVancouver 2016: 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: GEOHAZARDS - VI Climate Change Floods & Landslides

ABSTRACT: This paper aims to provide rapid, intuitive guidelines to support the use of SAR and InSAR for the monitoringoflandslides.These guidelines arenecessary considering thatlandslides occur in a wide range of settings, can move atdifferent rates and, justas importantly, the technology has evolved exponentially since the first interferograms wereproduced by the scientific community. While the benefits of the technology for landslide detection were immediatelyevident, the first generation of InSAR algorithms was only capable of monitoring slower moving landslides in certainsettings.InSAR providers have since addressed many of the limitations of the initial algorithms. Todayit ispossible tomonitor landslides that produce millimetric to metric displacements, in areas withdifferingland cover and in a variety ofsettings. However, the selection of the appropriate SAR technique to be used and the relative information that can beextracted (e.g. 1D, 2D or 3D measurements) require a combination of geomorphological knowledge and InSAR skills.Here we will show examples of the type of information thatcanbeextracted according to landslide type, as per theclassification of Cruden and Varnes (1996), rates of movement and geomorphological settings with a series of casestudies.R•SUM•Ce document vise † fournir des lignes directrices intuitives rapides pour soutenir l'utilisation de la SAR et InSAR pour lasurveillance des glissements de terrain. Des lignes directrices sont n‡cessaires ‡tant donn‡ que les glissements deterrain se produisent dans une large gamme de param…tres, peuvent se d‡placer † des vitesses diff‡rentes et, tout aussiimportant, la technologie a ‡volu‡ de fa—on exponentielle depuis les premiers interf‡rogrammes ont ‡t‡ produites par lacommunaut‡ scientifique. Bien que les avantages de la technologie pour la d‡tection des glissements de terrain ont ‡t‡imm‡diatement ‡vident, la premi…re g‡n‡ration d'algorithmes InSAR ‡tait seulement capable de surveiller lesglissements de terrain se d‡pla—ant lentement.Leslimites des algorithmes initiaux ont depuis ‡t‡ adress‡es par lessp‡cialistesdeInSARet il est aujourd'hui possible demesurerles glissements de terrain qui produisent millim‡triqueauxm‡triquesd‡placements, dans les zonesavec diff‡rente occupation des sols etdans une vari‡t‡ de param…tres.Cependant, le choix de la technique SAR appropri‡e pour –tre utilis‡e et les informations relatives qui peuvent –treextraites (par exemple 1-D, 2-D ou 3-D), les mesures n‡cessitent une combinaison des connaissances et descomp‡tences g‡omorphologiqueet deINSAR.Nousallons montrer des exemples du type d'information qui peut –tre extraite en fonction du type de glissement deterrain, selon la classification de Cruden et Varnes (1996), les taux de mouvement et les param…tres g‡omorphologiquesavec une s‡rie d'‡tudes de cas.1INTRODUCTIONRemote sensing is a cost effective technique to monitorwide areas without theneed to installground instruments.InSARhas beenin usefor landslide hazardassessmentssince the1990ƒs. Initially, InSAR was atool for performingsemi-quantitative detectionand estimation ofslopestability.Currentalgorithms have progressedsignificantlyandcan now monitor various types of landslides by exploitingthe radar signal in terms of both phase and amplitude.Applications range from movement detection,characterization and monitoring toinput fornumericalmodelsof slope instability.2METHODOLOGY2.1Space-Borne SAR Techniques.PhaseAmplitudeDInSARPSIOffsetTrackingChangeDet.MeasurementDef.between2 imagesDef.TimeSeries(>15images)Def. TimeSeries orimagetoimage def.LandcoverchangeRangecm-dmmm/yr-dm/yrdm/yr-m/yr-Precisioncmmm/yrdm/yrmMov.Direction(asc OR desc)1D (LoS)1D (LoS)2D (LoS &Azimuth)-Mov. Direction(asc & desc)2D(Vert.&E-W)2D (Vert.&E-W)3D (Vert.&EW&NS)-Table1. Space-borne SAR techniques used to monitorlandslides.

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G. Falorni (2016) Towards InSAR guidelines for landslide monitoring in GEO2016. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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