
Failure mechanism of a prehistoric landslide in Champlain Sea clay at Breckenridge, Quebec

Baolin Wang

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoEdmonton 2018: 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 13th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Landslides and Geohazards II (Liquefiable Soils)

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the failure mechanism of a prehistoric landslide at Breckenridge, Quebec. The landslide is a Champlain Sea clay failure triggered by an earthquake about 1020 cal yr BP. Field and laboratory test data and other evidence indicate that the landslide likely occurred as a translational failure of the overall slope rather than a retrogressive failure as is commonly observed in sensitive clays. Slope stability analysis indicates that a threshold ground acceleration of 0.28 g is required to trigger the landslide. The findings provide knowledge about sensitive clay failure process as well as prehistoric seismicity in the region.

RÉSUMÉ: ar un séisme survenu il y a 1200 probants indiquent que ce glissement a probablement été causé par un effondrement plan de la pente globale et non par -seuil du sol de 0,28 g fut nécessaire pour enclencher le glissement. Ces conclusions nous

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Citer cet article:
Baolin Wang (2018) Failure mechanism of a prehistoric landslide in Champlain Sea clay at Breckenridge, Quebec in GEO2018. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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