
Determining rock erodibility parameter « relative block structure » for non-perpendicular hydraulic flow

Lamine Boumaiza, Ali Saeidi, Marco Quirion

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoEdmonton 2018: 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 13th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology II

ABSTRACT: The most commonly used method for assessing the hydraulic erodibility of rock is the Annandal. This method is based on a correlation between the force of flowing water and the capacity of rock resistance. This capacity is evaluated using the which was initially developed to evaluate the excavatability of earth materials. This index is determined according to certain geomechanical factors, such as the compressive strength of intact rock, the rock block size, the discontinuities shear strength and the relative block structure. This last characteristic represents the required effort to erode the rock and, it can be quantified considering the shape and orientation of the blocks. To determine the relative rock structure in the field, the dip and dip direction of closer spaced joint set, as well as the ratio of joints spacing ept can be applied only when the direction of flow is perpendicular to the strike of closer spaced joint set. Adjustments are introduced to Kirsten's initial concept concerning the relative block structure parameter. Thus, two equations are proposed which were used to propose a rating for the relative block structure parameter for a case example with non-perpendicular flow.

RÉSUMÉ: La méthode la plus utilisée en pratique -ci initialement en fonction de certaines caractéristiques géomécaniques telles que la résistance matricielle de la roche intacte, la taille des blocs, la résistance au cisaillement des discontinuités et la structure relative des blocs. Cette dernière caractéristique blocs. En pratique, elle se détermine en fonction du pendage et la direction du pendage de la famille des joints les moins espacés, ainsi que observé que le concept de Kirsten lest de la famille des joints les moins espacés. Des ajustements sont introduits sur le concept initial de Kirsten concernant la structure relative des blocs. Ainsi, deux équations sont proposées et utilisées pour générer des pondérations de la structure relative des blocs pour un exemple de cas avec un écoulement non-perpendiculaire.

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Citer cet article:
Lamine Boumaiza; Ali Saeidi; Marco Quirion (2018) Determining rock erodibility parameter « relative block structure » for non-perpendicular hydraulic flow in GEO2018. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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