
Long-Distance Measurement of Pile Driving Vibrations

J. Kiss, S.J. Boone, D. Da Silva

In the proceedings of: GeoEdmonton 2018: 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 13th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Soil Mechanics and Foundations (Deep Foundations I)

ABSTRACT: Concerns about vibrations from pile driving for a wind turbine facility prompted monitoring at turbine construction sites and at distant domestic water wells within a 120 square kilometer project area. Ground conditions consisted of 10 to 20 m of soft clay overlying thin glacial till and black shale bedrock. Vibrations were measured at the ground surface at turbine construction sites, at the top of bedrock near the turbines and at domestic water well casings at distances of 570 m to more than 4.3 km from pile driving. Monitoring was completed during test pile and subsequent production pile driving. Vibrations were measured with conventional construction monitoring geophones and high-sensitivity accelerometers. This paper summarizes pre-construction vibration magnitude estimates, monitoring data and comparisons of data to pile driving conditions, well pump operations, nearby traffic and farming and published vibration attenuation relationships.

RÉSUMÉ: Les préoccupations soulevées padomestique sur une zone de 120 kilomètres carrvibrations ont été mesurées à trois différents endroits, soit : à la surface du sol sur le site de construction des turbines, au sommet du substrat rocheux à proximité des turbines et aux cuvelages des puits d'eau domestiques localisés à des distances entre 570 m allant à plus de 4,3 km des travaux de battage. La surveillance a été effectuée pendant la mise à de surveillance de vibration tels que des géophones et accéléromètres à haute sensibilité. Cet article résume les estimations d'amplitude des vibrations avant les travaux de construction, les données de surveillance et les comparaisons opérations d'agriculture avoisinantes et les relations d'atténuation des vibrations publiées.

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Cite this article:
J. Kiss; S.J. Boone; D. Da Silva (2018) Long-Distance Measurement of Pile Driving Vibrations in GEO2018. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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