Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study
Mohammad Afroz, Ali Ahmad, Tony Sangiuliano, Kim Lesage, William Cavers, Jinyuan Liu
In the proceedings of: GeoEdmonton 2018: 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 13th joint with IAH-CNCSession: Soil Mechanics and Foundations (Ground Improvement)
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a laboratory testing program completed on cement-treated soil samples. Soil samples of soft to firm cohesive soils were retrieved at a project site located at County Rd 2/34 and Hwy 401 near the city of Ottawa stern Region in Ontario, Canada. The objective of the laboratory testing program was to assess the applicability and effectiveness of deep soil mixing (DSM) method with cement in treating sensitive Champlain Sea clay. DSM is an alternative innovative ground improvement technique that has many advantages, including a rapid increase in the soil strength, low adverse environmental impact, cost efficiency, applicability to large improvement area, and wide relevancy to any soil type with an appropriate design. The laboratory test program test parameters included variable cement dosages, mixing methods, and curing durations. Both unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests and constant rate of strain consolidation tests were carried out on cement-treated samples with different curing times to assess strength gain and compressibility behaviour. Based on the test results, cement can significantly increase the strength of Champlain Sea clay and reduce its compressibility. The goal of this research is to develop alternatives that considers DSM as an option in the ground improvement tool box for application to infrastructure in Ontario. RÉSUMÉ: laboratoire effectué sur des échantillons de sol traités avec du en de sol avec ciment pour le traitement des sols argileux de la mer de Champlain compressibles et de faible résistance. Le mélange de sol avec du ciment des sols au cisaillement, faible risques environnemental, prix compétitif et applicabilité pour diffèrent types de sols. Dans la présente étude, de (le matériau liant) et guéri pendant 7, 14, 28 et 56 jours et en effectuant des essais de compression en entre chacune de ces étapes. Le résultat des essais a montré une grande augmentation de la résistance pour les échantillons traités avec du ciment après seulement 7 jours de guérison par rapport aux échantillons non traités. Cependant, la résistance des échantillons traités amélioré considérablement au-delà de 7 jours. De plus, la compressibilité a été réduite de 21 pourcent pour les échantillons traité de ciment. Le but du projet de recherche était de vérifier si les sols argileux de la mer de Champlain traités avec du
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Mohammad Afroz; Ali Ahmad; Tony Sangiuliano; Kim Lesage; William Cavers; Jinyuan Liu (2018) Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study in GEO2018. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.
author = Mohammad Afroz; Ali Ahmad; Tony Sangiuliano; Kim Lesage; William Cavers; Jinyuan Liu,
title = Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study,
year = 2018
title = Experimental Investigation of Cement Mixing to Improve Champlain Sea Clay: A Case Study,
year = 2018