
The 2016 landslide at Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes

F. Tremblay-Auger, A. Locat, S. Leroueil, P. Locat, J. Therrien, D. Demers, R. Mompin

In the proceedings of: GeoEdmonton 2018: 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference; 13th joint with IAH-CNC

Session: Landslides and Geohazards II (Liquefiable Soils)

ABSTRACT: The Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes landslide occurred on November 9th 2016, 100 km west of Quebec City, Canada, in a sensitive marine clay terrace. The particularity of this event is that there are evidences that the movement started as a flow and finished as a spread. The final morphology shows horsts and grabens typical of spread and also a large quantity of remolded material that flowed out of a bottleneck shaped crater, which is typical of flowslides. The geotechnical investigation of this landslide was performed by the Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité Durable et Électrification des Transports (MTMDET) in collaboration with Université Laval. Several studies were used to determine the location of the failure surface and also to acquire information on the properties of the clay deposit. It was also possible to reconstitute the different phases and the chronology of this particular landslide. The geotechnical characterization and morphological analysis of this unique landslide give new insights on the kinematic of large landslides in sensitive clays.

RÉSUMÉ: Un glissement a eu lieu le 9 novembre 2016 près de la municipalité de Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes, à 100 kouest de la débuté par une horsts étant écoulé cratère en forme en goulot, caractéristique des coulées argileuses. par le Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité Durable et Électrification des Transports (MTMDET) en collaboration Université Laval. Les différents sondages ont permis de localiser la surface de rupture et de décrire les propriétés géotechniques , ainsi des grands glissements de terrain dans les argiles sensibles.

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Cite this article:
F. Tremblay-Auger; A. Locat; S. Leroueil; P. Locat; J. Therrien; D. Demers; R. Mompin (2018) The 2016 landslide at Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes in GEO2018. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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