
Reviewing the potential anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination – Case study of the expanding urban area of Taleza in Algeria

Lamine Boumaiza, Nabil Chabour, Tarek Drias

In the proceedings of: GeoSt. John's 2019: 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Mining

ABSTRACT: Located in north-east Algerian, the coastal aquifer of Taleza constitutes a significant source of groundwater. It contains hundreds of private wells installed by the population for several purposes including drinking water. Recently, the groundwater has become quite salinized. Furthermore, some people have noted the presence of a bad odor, as rotten eggs, in the groundwater pumped from their wells. The groundwater quality is mostly controlled by two factors: 1) natural processes related to aquifer lithology, and soil/rock interactions with groundwater, and 2) anthropogenic activities. However, the later activities can be considered as the most serious sources of groundwater contamination. This paper describes a review of potential anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination over the Taleza territory. Several different potential anthropogenic sources were identified, such as cultivated fields, private sanitation systems, random urbanisation, over-exploitation of groundwater, solid waste dumpsites, and cemeteries. Consequently, efficient and durable groundwater protection planning is urgently required, to limit and possibly remediate groundwater contamination related to anthropogenic activities.

RÉSUMÉ: Localisé dans le Nord-Est de l'Algérie, l'aquifère côtier de Taleza potentiellement importante. Il contient des centaines de puits privés installés par la population à plusieurs fins incluant . Récemment, les eaux souterraines sont devenues très salines. De plus, certaines personnes ont noté la présence d'une mauvaise odeur puits. La qualité des eaux souterraines est principalement contrôlée par deux facteurs: 1) les processus naturels liés à la aux interactions sol/roc avec les eaux souterraines, et 2) les activités anthropiques. Cependant, les activités anthropiques peuvent être considérées comme les sources sérieuses de contamination des eaux souterraines. Cet article décrit les sources anthropiques potentielles de contamination des eaux souterraines relevées sur le territoire de Taleza, telles que l, les systèmes privés saléatoire, la surexploitation des eaux souterraines, les décharges de déchets solides et les cimetières. Par conséquent, une planification efficace et durable pour la protection des eaux souterraines, afin de limiter et potentiellement inverser les effets des sources anthropiques sur la qualité des eaux souterraines.

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Cite this article:
Lamine Boumaiza; Nabil Chabour; Tarek Drias (2019) Reviewing the potential anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination – Case study of the expanding urban area of Taleza in Algeria in GEO2019. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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