
A comparison between free-field shear strain profiles using natural and synthetic earthquake motions in a case study

Naemeh Naghavi, Reza Moghaddam, Dave Walters, Geoffrey Creer

Dans les comptes rendus d’articles de la conférence: GeoSt. John's 2019: 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Professional Practice/Case Studies

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the effect of natural and synthetic earthquake ground motions on free-field shear strain for soils of Site Class C located within Toronto area. The 2015 NBCC seismic hazard de-aggregation for the area of interest indicate that earthquakes with magnitude (Mw) of 6.0 at distances of about 40 km as well as earthquakes with Mw of 7.0 at distances of more than 100 km mostly contribute to uniform hazard spectra. Therefore, site response analysis requires selection of earthquakes that are beyond the available natural records within this region. Alternatively, synthetic motions are recommended. A suite of natural and synthetic ground motions was used in the analyses and the results show that average of responses to natural motions are generally similar to the average of responses to synthetic motions, however, there is more scatter in responses to natural motions and unfavorable response comes from the natural motions.

RÉSUMÉ: cisaillement des sols en champs libre pour un site de classe C, situé dans la région de Toronto. Selon la désagrégation w) de 6,0 à une distance d'environ 40 km, ainsi que les séismes d'une Mw de 7,0 à une distance de plus de 100 km, sont les contributeurs principaux à la séismes qui va au-ive, il est provenant de séismes naturels et synthétiques a été utilisée dans les analyses et les résultats montrent que la moyenne des réponses découldispersés et génèrent des réponses défavorables.

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Citer cet article:
Naemeh Naghavi; Reza Moghaddam; Dave Walters; Geoffrey Creer (2019) A comparison between free-field shear strain profiles using natural and synthetic earthquake motions in a case study in GEO2019. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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