
Evaluation of existing constitutive models in nonlinear 1D effective stress ground response analysis

Caroline Bessette, Samuel Yniesta

In the proceedings of: GeoSt. John's 2019: 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference

Session: Liquefaction and Seismic Slope Stability

ABSTRACT: The National Building Code of Canada recommends that effective stress ground response analysis be performed if a liquefiable stratum is identified within a soil profile. While constitutive models for total stress ground response analysis have been well verified against earthquake recordings, existing models for effective stress ground response analysis have yet to be thoroughly validated. This paper compares the predictions of five constitutive models derived for effective stress ground response analysis with recordings from downhole arrays and centrifuge tests where a potential for liquefaction was identified during at least one earthquake. The predicted and measured motions are compared in terms of spectral response and ratio of surface to downhole amplification spectra. The results indicate that existing models are limited in their predictive capabilities, and that effective stress ground analysis are not yet a satisfying tool for practicing engineers.

RÉSUMÉ: Le Code National du Bâtiment du Canada recommande potentiel de liquéfaction est identifié dans un profil de sol. Contrairement totales, les modèles eà ce jour avec des enregistrements de séismes. Cette étude compare enregistrements provenant de stations identifié pour au moins un séisme. Les réponses mesurées et prédites sont comparées de la réponse spectrale la profondeur. Les résultats indiquent que les modèles sont limités encore un outil satisfaisant pour assister les ingénieurs dans la pratique.

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Cite this article:
Caroline Bessette; Samuel Yniesta (2019) Evaluation of existing constitutive models in nonlinear 1D effective stress ground response analysis in GEO2019. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Geotechnical Society.

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