
Author: Yasser Abdelghany

Full-scale experimental investigations and numerical analysis of different innovative instrumented helical screw piles under axial and lateral monotonic and cyclic loadings
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar (GEO2010 Calgary)

Steel fibers reinforced grouted and fiber reinforced polymer grouted screw piles - an innovative deep foundations seismic systems
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar (GEO2011)

Performance of Insturmented Composite Helical Screw Piles Seismic Systems in Layered Soils
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar (GeoManitoba 2012)

Innovative seismic resistant helical screw piles (FRP-G-HSP - fiber reinforced polymer grouted and RG-HSP reinforced grouted steel fibers novel systems)
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar (GeoMontréal 2013)

Helical Screw Piles Reinforced Grouted Shafts Seismic Performance
Yasser Abdelghany, M. Hesham El Naggar (GeoOttawa 2017)

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