
Author: Richard Martel

Modèle géologique 3D et écoulement d’eau souterraine dans des dépôts meubles hétérogènes.
Guillaume Lefrançois, Richard Martel, Michel Parent, Uta Gabriel, Lise Lamarche, Martin Blouin, Emmanuela Diaz (GeoMontréal 2013)

Laboratory investigation for on site chemical oxidation of surface soil contaminated with energetic materials in demolition ranges
Marie-Claude Lapointe, Richard Martel, Emmanuela Diaz (GeoMontréal 2013)

Laboratory evaluation of foams for mobility control and enhanced LNAPL recovery in heterogeneous sediment
Mélanie Longpré-Girard, Richard Martel, Thomas Robert, René Lefebvre, Jean-Marc Lauzon (GeoMontréal 2013)

Estimating recharge from observation well hydrographs combined with meteorological data
Jean-Sébastien Gosselin, Christine Rivard, Richard Martel, Claudio Paniconi, René Lefebvre (GeoMontréal 2013)

Complementary hydrogeological characterization to update the groundwater monitoring program at a remediated hydrocarbon site in an unconfined aquifer
Richard Martel, Angus Ian Calderhead, Daniel Paradis, Jason M.E. Ahad, Jean-Sébastien Gosselin, Clarisse Deschênes-Rancourt, Richard Lévesque, Jean-Marc Ballard, Thomas Robert (GeoEdmonton 2018)

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