Author: S.M. Peaker
Case study of a recovery shaftL.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker, I.P. Lieszkowszky, S. Skelhorn (GEO2010 Calgary)
Use of tiebacks in Southern Ontario
L.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker (GEO2011)
Testing of driven piles in Southern Ontario
L.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker (GeoManitoba 2012)
Case study of a deep excavation in Toronto
L.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker, S. Ahmad (GeoMontréal 2013)
Engineering characteristic of Georgian Bay Formation in Toronto
L.F. Cao, S.M. Peaker, S. Ahmad, A. Sirati (GeoRegina 2014)
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